The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> moral uprightness...

moral uprightness...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 17:14:58 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...saw an older film with Harvey Keitel playing a de-Nazifying American investigator searching out Nazis right after the war. He focuses and so does the film on an esteemed conductor who would rather forget how he allowed himself to be used by the Nazis in order to play the music he so loved.

Keitel is an unsavory character, ultimately being accused by his German secretary of using the same tactics the Gestapo used on her when she was arrested after her respected father joined the failed assissination plot aginst Adolf.

Keitel is to be excused for this because he REALLY is a good guy because the Nazis were such BAD can even use their own tactics against you`re allowed to be EVIL when chasing EVIL...because you want GOOD to triumph.

In scene after scene Keitel browbeats, humiliates and argues that the German composer COULD have and SHOULD have distanced himself from the Nazis...he SHOULD have known where all the little evils at the beginning would ultimately lead to if left unchecked.

That`s a nice sentiment...but it rings hollow considering the Americans just killed one third as many children in ONE COUNTRY as the Nazis killed all over Europe.

Who now is willing to distance him or herself from Bush`s America? Who now has the crystal ball and is willing to take a hard look into it...who has the courage, besides a few high school students, to speak out even with a T shirt? Who has the committment to take him or herself "away"? Don`t people, like germs, take the paths of least resistance?

Would it shock Americans as much as it did the "good" Germans to learn that their country, their Fatherland..the place that you have to love RIGHT OR guilty of crimes against humanity of a tall order? If a crime against humanity is committed in a forrest..or a desert, and no one is by to hear the screams...does that mean it never happened?

Americans are being insulated from what`s being done in their names so they too can later claim, "we didn`t know". In film after film a self-righteous American gassbag has screamed at a German, " you SHOULD have known"!

Is the smell of cooking human flesh any less agreeable than ten children bleeding out their assholes because the medicine that USED to be available when that "monster" Saddam was in still not available now that those "liberating" Americans have had a year to bring some?

Okay...we`re better than the Nazis...and we`re better than Saddam and Noriega and Pinochet and Genghis Khan...happy?


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