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=> more lies

more lies
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 5:30:46 (CEST)
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Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Atra on 03 Jul 2004 23:30:08:

As an answer to: Re: Response to David Chibo written by wm warda on 03 Jul 2004 11:21:53:

Christians were also insulted by being told to walk to the left of the street and muslims would say :"Ashmel Ya Khanzeer"(Go to the left pig).

..Muslims were also insulted by having to hear that the murder of 5000 of their children a month for 13 years was "acceptable" to Christians...not one of you can even come to grips with this crime against our humanity...yet you drag out your piss ass complaints of 800 years ago.

Copts in Egypt were forced to wear big iron Crosses and they were called "those who have blue bone" why ? Because the Crosses were so heavy that the friction caused by the iron would cause an injury thus when it would dry it would make a line just like a tattoo so they were called "those who have blue bone" and they would be known to be Christians in that way.

..those who are Muslims were forced to watch their children die in filth and agony..all their skin turning blue, not just their bones, and peeling and falling off, followed by their hair and then there was all the excrement there was no water to wash off with..not to mention the pain in the eyes of their dear children they could do nothing about because medicine is "dual use"...have any of you had to sit up with a hungry child...explain why there isn`t any food...or why they can`t play outside..or why people hate them so they wouldn`t mind killing them..even their own people...or do you only remember that day...500 years ago when a Muslim spit on a Christian?

One of the problems of some who call themselves ex-Christians is that they just don't want to open their eyes and they do just the same as what most muslims do,accuse all Christians of being "Crusaders" while they don't see what they have done to those Christians whom they invaded their countries from the Arabian peninsula and all the atrocities which were committed by the invaders.

...The Arabs saved BetNahrain from the Eastern Romans..the same ones who killed every Jew in their path who wouldn`t convet to Christianity and who only sixty years ago, not 600, killied six million TOTALLY inncoent Jews who`d never harmed any Christian...not ONCE!...and many Christians welcomed Allah because they were spared being torn apart by Christian sects, or being devoured by the Byzantines who would have hanged them all as Heretics they did to you Nestorians, declaring you a`s that for Christian gratitude. The Muslims killed Christian mercenaries not, as you boys claim, "Christian Villagers"...and the Christian soldiers they killed weren`t coming into Syria, Egypt and BetNahrain bringing presents..they came to enslave steal children and raise them "right" and they came to plunder....and incidentally tax the shit out of do you think they amassed all that wealth..the way you boys tell it the only people who had taxes back then were Muslims.

The Arabs saved BetNahrain from being swallowed up by the Byzantines who would have outlawed anything that didn`t fit into that silly bible...instead the Assyrians took courage and were revived, as so often happened in our past when the vital and trubulent people of the desert came to mingle with the Hammurabi`s Amorites did and so many others...the Arabs inspired the Assyrians who got back into the saddle and rode all the way to Spain where they created a glorious civilization that saved the rest of Europe from the pig-ignorance the Church was spreading during the 1000 years of the Dark Ages when the pope had his way...but NOT in BetNahrain he didn`t and not in the south of Spain...and when the Moors were defeated by the Christians, the Christians too were transformed by the refinemant and technology and culture of the advanced Muslims and all Europe benefitted...and when the Spanish, after mixing their blood with Muslims for 700 years, sailed to the New World, they took BetNahrain with them..such was the vitality and reserves and energy and inspirational value of BetNahrain..and in all that time you boys sat out civilization in your villages where you claim our ancestors ran in fear to hide till a Jew came to give them courgae..and oh yes, you ran barefoot to China and built one brick!

..and the problem with you who are ex-Assyrians is that you`ve thrown away the richest heritage in the world to become transformed into pieces of shit made by Yahwe`s hands..and the problem with you ex-Assyrians is that you defend a Jew religion no matter what..even when it wants to attack the lands of Ashur and kill his people...the problem with you Christians who were NEVER Assyrians is that you are ashamed to stand alone as Christians and think you can lean on Ashur when it suits you and you can claim his lands...for Jews to build synagogues they call "Churches" on. You Christians have many can be seen so clearly in the way you run after people, sniffing up their arses begging for rags so you can be "proud".

There`s one problem we Assyrians don`t have..we aren`t Christians..and that`s worth everything.


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