more lies... |
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- Thursday, July 1 2004, 17:45:28 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
"SOME" of Saddam's crimes agaisnt Assyrians Posted By: Ashor Giwargis ( Date: Thursday, 1 July 2004, at 6:07 a.m. Dear All, The horrible crimes committed by Islamic terrorists against the Assyrian nation is a well documented fact. An even beter documented and more recent fact are the bigger crimes of Christian Terrorists, aided by their State, committed against everyone in Iraq. Or doesn`t that bother you? are not a are not Assyrians. You are a Christian minor sect whose church used the Assyrian language...while several of your sect member have since drifted off to other sects who use other languages entirely and more and more of you aren`t even speaking the language any longer. you slam all Muslims they too feel all Christians are enemies of their nation and do not have a shared loyalty for it..and as they would kill or chase out any Muslim traitor...they want you gone...and will take your lands by Christian Americans robbed all the Japanese Americans during the second world war...on the charge that they MIGHT become disloyal..and none of them ever did but rather fought among their countreymen against Japan. Christians have bombed and strafed that region for decades now and your betrayal of Iraqi hospitality when they took you in as refugees fleeing Iran only to see you put on British uniforms and recive guns and pay to kill your hosts...rankles still, though to you it was a great day. Such diversity in perceptions means your days are bound to numbered there and not too pleasant. If you think they are trying to get rid of you, you are absolutely right...though other Christians managed to do just fine..but you won`t allow want the entire country blown up if you can`t get your way..and since everyone knows that in a democractic Iraq no one is going to vote you Christians anything, no matter how often you do the "Rag" and claim to be Assyrian, when it suits will get nothing and having said already that you will work to ruin the country for everyone if you don`t get your way..the Iraqis want you gone before you make good on your threat. You have made yourselves unwelcome in the MidEast. Between 1980 and 1988 the Iraqi regime exiled thousands of Iraqi citizens to Iran on the charges that they were of Persian ancestry. ...and they were...having come from Iran during the Raqa...what is wrong with that? They felt that in a war with Iran, which seems to have slipped your memory, they too could not afford to have people in the country who might not be that loyal to they`d already seen what you Christians escaping from that same Iran had turned around and done to the country that took you on two counts..Persian ancestry and Christian treachery and ingratitude, they wanted you gone..what`s so strange about that? Many Assyrians were targeted in this illegal and barbarous act. ...why was it illegal? Was the attack on Iraq by America legal? How do YOU decide what is and what isn`t legal? And what do you call barbarous...sending families back to the country of their birth and you would like all "Arabs" in Iraq sent back to Arabia and all Kurd families sent back anywhere...or starving their children to death as America did? What is "barbarous" to others and the rest of Humanity seems a good policy to you..and that`s just the trouble with you religious people who place EVIL beyond the reach of the you can become murderous in fighting it, because you are GOOD. During this bloody war, it is estimated that up to 10,000 Assyrian men from Iraq were killed. ...what war? Do you mean the one America encouraged and promised aid to Iraq if it would keep it up and sold weapons to Iran and Iraq, including all the stuff you would have the fan tods over later...and supplied Saddam with information and then turned around and supplied the Mullahs they planted in Iran with other information and drained billions from the reserves of both countries so that in the end no one won anything except the mean that war? The most disturbing aspect of this tragedy is that many of these Assyrians were killed in cold blood by their own Arab countrymen, just for being Assyrians. ...that never happened. No one has been recognized as Assyrian in those are Christian of THAT is your own insistance that you are NOT, that you are citizens of a nation called Assyria that really belongs in place of THEIR country and that it`s religion is Judaism, THATS what pisses them off. ..the day you wail for 500,000 murdered Iraqi children of Assyrian ancestry, many of whom were Christian`, killed by Christians and with your the day your sincerity will be believed..till then this is just hate-mongering against our Muslim brothers and ever hear of Civil Wars where brother "brutally" and "unjustly" kills brother? You ever hear of religious wars where father kills wife and son? That`s what you`re pushing all out conflagration, if you can`t get your CHRISTIAN way. On December 13th 1997, a group of militants belonging to the Kurdish Labour Party (PKK), treacherously attacked six Assyrians through an ambush laid for them in the district of Mangeesh-Duhok, Northern Iraq. Two of them were killed immediately and the others were wounded, then the armed group charged over them and cold-bloodedly killed the wounded. ...nothing surprising there...Bush led 200,000 Kurds to their deaths by peromising aid that never came...what`s the big deal..these things happen...and they`re happening with greater frequency...Majdolin`s children, killed by Christians, have never been mentioned, let alone wept for..why is that? Are you only interested in Christians killed by Muslims because they are USEFULL? ...Do they help you slander Islam some more while turning a blind eye to all that Christians continue doing to the land and people? It isn`t Justice you`s REVENGE and all that will lead to is revenge directed right back at`re just sure that with America`s murderous might behind might acutally "win" this time. From this link: oink. Ashor. --------------------- |
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