more of the same old same old |
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- Monday, July 5 2004, 12:22:34 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Re: Christian Greeks and Christian Assyrians & doubting Tiglath -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Atra on 05 Jul 2004 06:25:43: As an answer to: Re: Christian Greeks and Christian Assyrians written by Tiglath on 04 Jul 2004 16:56:44: No there is no conflict between being a proud Assyrian and a proud Christian. ..what was the conflict then between being an Assyrian and a proud Assyrian? There are few passages which should be removed from the liturgy of some Churches because they don't reflect the Assyrian reality and they are not a part of the Assyrian tradition,and this was openly expressed to many prelates who weren't very pleased but also un able to give a good response. ...then remove Christ as well because a Jew Messiah was never part of Assyrian tradition either..I mean if you get to pick and choose which god you want and then go through his bible and delete passages you don`t like..what are we really talking about then..a god? Have you become the god who gets to decide what god really meant to say? I don't know why you insist on clinging to a book which was proven that most of its stories were taken from the Mesopotamia mythology and legends because most was written in Babylon during the exile and before that Jews only had an oral tradition. ..that`s what we`re asking you? Why do you cling to that book? Why don't you instead concentrate on the following passage :Luke 11:29-30 and don't give me the bit about Jonah being this or being that.It's a clear indication on the Assyrians' place and a real hard slap in the face to all those who hate Assyria. ...not as hard as dashing the brains of our children out..not as hard as rejoicing when Assyria is no more..."who will weep for her"? Not you that`s for weep for Jerusalem. No one hates Assyria more than one who trashes her god..we never heard of Jesus till your ancestors ran in fear to villages..and it doesn`t say that in the bible..that insult comes from YOUR mouth. Look what Jesus did "for" you and look what Ashur did...then tell us who hates Assyria. --------------------- |
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