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=> more sillies

more sillies
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 23:10:59 (CEST)
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Website title:

The Semele Memoriam

Posted By: Gengiskhan (
Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 12:07 a.m.

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The Semele Memoriam

Posted By: Gengiskhan
Date: Tuesday, 6 July 2004, at 11:56 p.m.

ACLC Home Page


commemorate the

1933 SEMELE MASSACRE long as you leave out the 500,000 Iraqi Children killed by Christians with your Christian blessing this is nothing more than Christian propaganda...and I thank you for the contact information so I know whom to write to and expose this ongoing farce of you people being Assyrians and the ONLY Assyrians and set upon because you are Assyrian...or even for being Christians...when there have always been Christians doing just fine...including Iraqi officlas etc. This is nothing more than trying to score points for Jesus over the murdered innocents who were killed in the course of wars and upheavals brought to the MidEast and ALL the people there by foreign Christians..outside terrorists if there ever were any.

...You won`t get away with this much credentials as an active, caring, and hard working Assyrian are at least as good as these "historians" and official crybabies you dredge up from I don`t know where...and I want all my people memorialized and apllauded for the valiant resistance against great odds they`ve displayed in their battles against rapacious Christianity that never met an Innocent it didn`t want to crucify..they and their children, in fighting off another Holocaust aimed at them...for a passle of Christians to try to seize the limelight and shine all pity and concern on them when it has been CHRISTIANS who screwed both them and our Muslim brothers and sisters is a crime of such huge proportions that it will out in the end..and you people will have the scorn heaped upon you you so richly deserve..shame on you all.

Our Guest Speakers:

Ivan Kakovitch: author of Mount Semele
George Davis: author of Genocides Against the Assyrians and Assyria and Mesopotamia and the Assyrians
Hirmis Aboona: historian and author of the highly acclaimed series Assyrians After the Fall of Nineveh

WHERE: Humber College - North Campus
(Lecture Theater, Driveway D, Lot 9, Registration Entrance)
205 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario

WHEN: Saturday, August 7th 2004 @ 5pm

For more information, please contact us at:
613.733.4275 / 416.312.9472 / 416.747.9107


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