The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> never again always

never again always
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 8 2004, 21:55:43 (CEST)
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August 7th is approaching

Posted By: Nenos Damerchie <> (
Date: Thursday, 8 July 2004, at 7:47 a.m.

Dear forum members,

AUGUST 7TH as many of you know is a day set aside to remember all the Assyrian martyrs who fell for their ethnicity, their beliefs, and their religion. Their only crime was the fact that they were Assyrians.

...that`s not true at is becomming abundantly clear...August 7th is set aside to commemorate Christians killed by doesn`t even extend to Christans killed by Christians...there is no Assyrian ethnicity that relies on a Christian religion that had nothing to do with the ethncity for all those "weighty" years before you all became Jew-Lite...if you boys can play Christian other Assyrians play at either include everyone or it`s a fraud and a sham which, with your continued help, will become easier and easier to reveal.

On the seventh of August there shall be a rally in Toronto, Ontario Canada on a scale never before experienced. We, the organizers of the event have chosen Queen's Park infront of the provincial parliament to be the location where we will hold this historical event in Canada. is not people have been calling this event historical since I don`t know when and it is merely`s scale as well will be less than impressive...this is merely your attempt to goose yourselves...

We ask that all Assyrians pledge their support for this cause from far and wide. If you are currently residing in the tri-city area or are interested in obtaining more information please feel free to contact the numbers listed in a previous post. This event is open to any Assyrian willing to have her/his voice heard on a national and possibly international scale.

...I am an Iraqi/American of Assyrian descent...I too commemorated my Heritage...but not by wailing once a year...and I tell you this is NOT an Assyrian event at is a staged cry-in by Christians trying to pass themselves off as Assyrians in hopes of getting a corner of our homelands..not for Ashur but for want to do that you`re going to have to go kill our Muslim brothers and sisters..I don`t think you can pay anyone enough to do it for you..they`ll do it for themselves...and all you`re trying to do is capitalize on that people make even worse Christians than you do Assyrians...but have your rally by all means...thanks for the help.

The goal of the rally is threefold:

1. To inform the world about Assyrians are not doing are MISinforming them about a Christian minority who`re claiming the name under false pretenses..but how will people know that if you don`t tell them...again, thank you.

2. Draw attention to the atrocities committed against this people
3. To ensure that these acts are never repeated ever mean just against "this" people? What people? Christian people? And then only those killed by Muslim People? What about Majdolin`s children and all those Christians killed by YOUR Masters? What about all the Assyrians who aren`t Christians...what about the Kurds..the Arabs...the you serioudly think that so long as you advocate genocide and masscres and slaughters of OTHER people who are "wrong people", that these acts will never be brought to you again? Do you think you can at the same time remain dumb and blind about the targetting of Iraqi children, their murder by the thousands and hundreds of thousands...that no "arocity" is EVER going to descend on you?

When you don`t speak out as the children of your enemy are killed...yours will be

A majority of Assyrian organizations have unified towards the cause, it is now time for us to unite and make our presence felt on the day chosen to commemorate our martyrs. they haven`t. These aren`t "organizations" in the way any sane person not using Hanna`s dictionary would understand them..these are not organizations intended to accomplish anything..they are intended to make noise AS IF they were trying to do something...AS IF they had any kind of membership...AS IF that membnership was committed to anything seriously...they are as much of a scam and a sham as you and this event are...and I wish you great success in helping me make that point.

...You will not get away with advocating the murder of our brothers and sisters to avenge the loss Christ suffered in BetNahrain....this is nothing more than religious hatred and bigotry dissuised as "national ethnicity" is no more than an attempt to slander and smear all Muslims...especially those who are Assyrian but won`t follow Jesus anyway...or your Christian ideas of what being Assyrian has to be. You could give a shit about any of those murdered people...they are just pawns to you in this bloody game of win over hearts and minds by getting MORE of them killed.

If you know of people in Toronto please notify them of the details of the rally and if you are a resident of Ontario it is your duty to attend.

..oh really? Like Saddam made it the duty of every Iraqi to atend HIS rallies? Why don`t you serve Truth and Justice and then you won`t have to command people to particpate..they`ll feel it themselves...but no one they?

Kind Regards,

Nenos Damerchie
VP - Nineveh Assyrian Club of Hamilton
Rally Co-organizer - Hamilton Chapter want a contract too?


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