The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> no they haven`t...

no they haven`t...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 17:53:57 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...this is aina`s screaming headline...

"Terrorist Attacks on Assyrians Intensify"

...the only terrorists in Iraq are the Western outsiders who softened up Iraqi parents by starving to death a half million of their children and blaming it on them..much as it was the Jews` fault for getting cooked and eaten..they didn`t HAVE to stay Jews.

Terrorist "Outsiders" are killing all Iraqis..they could care less what they pray to...the boys just reserve their tears for the Christians killed by Muslims...

Attacks against American and British State-Sponsored Terrorism are on the rise, that`s true and natural..after all, America killed wedding guests in Afghanistan when IT was SAUDIS!..and that includes attacks against anyone of any religion or hair color who works for them in ANY way..and that will especiallly include Iraqis themselves, Muslim or Christian..who collaborate. The entire world hates collaborators, traitors and stool pidgeons. To turn against your own at the behest of those attacking your people and country, for pay and promises no less, is seen everywhere and throughout history as a crime worthy of a swift and sure death.

It isn`t as if only Christians are being fact they aren`t. Muslim men waiting in line to join the American puppet army...Iraqi Muslims working for the Americans...puppet politicians..and anyone selling liquor...these people are targeted for what they DO..not for their religious or ethnic or any other reason...period.

The boys know that, but boys will be boys and these boys are liars and petty "politicians"...


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