no wonder |
Posted by
- Friday, June 11 2004, 4:06:04 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
This "strategy" of Hanna`s is the same one they`ve been using against each all these years. If they can`t win the race, or get their way...they`ll make sure to trip everyone else up so no one wins anything. It`s the same thing Nimrod and Bejan and Narsai did...if they can`t get their way, they make sure to ruin it for the rest. The trouble with that as an exit strategy is that you have to basically be made of pretty weak stuff and people like that not only don`t work too hard or think too well...they`re ever ready, at the slightest hint of failure or a set back..or even just a rough spot for stop focusing on achieving anything...but choke, lose any concentration on the finish filled with with images of being they begin looking around for ways to ruin it for everyone. If Hanna can`t be number one...then let`s ruin it for those who might have been...those who did the work and paid their dues. This is a horrible mind-set for success. Imagine a sprinter who needs to train for ther Olympics, who has in the back of his mind, as a last ditch attempt to avoid losing...tripping everyone else up so they`ll all lose. I contend such a mindset hinders you when you should be concentrating and focusing all your energies..not on DEMANDSES..but on doing the hard, tough, boring day to day slogging. This is an embarrssing thing to admit to and that he takes such delight in it tells you why he runs a one-man tatoo parlor...when he isn`t an Assyrian hero. --------------------- |
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