nonesuch |
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- Sunday, June 20 2004, 17:31:12 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Power Sharing in Iraq Conference Posted By: amber <> ( Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 7:25 a.m. Interesting video on CSPAN concerning Power Sharing in Iraq. Take what information is helpful, throw the rest away. Go to link and then click on "A.U. Panel Discussion on K u r distan & Iraq (06/11/2004)" for the video. This session explores more than just the K u r d ish issues but the whole issue of government and elections in Iraq. This panel was very strong. Could help Assyrians gain Power Sharing Seats. ..nothing will gain them anything in Iraq..they were given a hint of what to expect...emmigrate! When Muslims hear the word "Assyrian", when used by modern day Christians to refer to themselves..they aren`t fooled. It`s the fantasy of the boys that they switch identities as they change they`re they`re whining about being picked upon for being Christians. To a Muslim, "Assyrian" is just a cover...a front..a code word for when they need a little more polish than they can expect by just calling themselves Christians. All a Muslim hears is "Christian"...that`s all that registers. Muslims know damn well the ancient Assyrians didn`t ALL convert to Christ and only to Christ. But they don`t get hung up over it. To Muslims there was another glorious empire after Nineveh and built by Assyrians who took to Islam as those shakey, quakey villagers took to Christ. Only the Islamic Assyrian empire went even farther out into the world than any emprie of BetNahrain ever had..all the way to the New World through the Spanish Conquistadors who carried the culture of BetNahrain and the blood of the Arabs with them across the sea. To Muslim Assyrians the long unbroken line of great expectations and performance doesn`t stop 1300 years ago. That`s why the boys are so fucking backwards..with their faces over their shoulders as they run. As far as Muslims are concerned there are no "Assyrians" anywhere..and of course there aren`t. Certainly no direct descendants or anything that even comes close. It`s just a religious minority trying to puff itself up. Muslims are hardly going to give any meaningful power to a Christian minority that STILL wants this war on Iraq to continue...still wants the occupation to last...still wants American Christian soldiers waiting in the wings to rush out when they want them Jackie`s cops at the convention in San Jose. The boys don`t least they won`t admit it out in the open, that this will never happen..they will never get any triangles or any significant power in any Iraqi government for they`ve made a point of casting themselves in the role of outsider and aggrieved and disenchanted non-citizens illegally and unjustly "occupied" by Arabs 1300 years ago...but delirious with joy at being occupied by Christians LAST YEAR!. Yes Martha...they are THAT stupid. Cannibalism will do that to you. Every group of people has among it a good portion that are born jackasses..and these are the ones among us who think they turned willingly to Christ...when they`ve never admitted the obvious, that they were raped into the Church like every other nation Rome attacked and "won" over. --------------------- |
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