The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> of suggestions...

of suggestions...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 2:04:48 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Written by Atra on 27 Jun 2004 05:24:21:

As an answer to: Re: You guys live in the past written by Tiglath on 26 Jun 2004 15:59:01:

I suggest that you read how peaceful they solve the land claims in all the Assyrian villages and what kind of justice is administered there,the one of law or jungle ...

...and I suggest YOU consider the Christian policy of your American masters that has them starving children to death for 13 years till 500,000 are dead because they want the parents to become so distraught they`ll rise up and remove a "Hitler" with their bare hands. Or the policy that has them reject all rule of law for the one of the jungle that says you can attack and kill people who never harmed you if they have oil. Where do YOU come off criticizing people...who`s killed more "Assyrians" in the last 50 years...Kurds? Arabs? Turks? Muslims? Or Christians?

Who wiped out six million..that`s MILLION totally innocent Jews...Kurds? Turks? Arabs? Or Christians?

Who has attacked Muslim lands killing half a million children...Saddam? Kurds? Turks? Arabs? Bush?

Is this YOUR idea of civilized behavior?


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