The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> on millions....and millions

on millions....and millions
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, September 29 2004, 19:29:42 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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80 million. That`s more than a third of the population of the United States...which is around 200,000,000. What could have been the largest city back then...what would its population be?

San Francisco has one million people in it....were there 80 cities the size of San Francisco? How many of those millions lived in villages? Can a village sustain a population of 25,000? When people had to farm...and therefore needed several acres to produce food for their families...could a "village" exist of that size?

We`re talking about a fairly limited space here...if you rule out the Eastern Roman Empire and concentrate on the area in the map Paul posted...there isn`t that much arable land to support millions of CHRISTIAN prople who were in the MINORITY too!

Besides which, things weren`t all that peachy his huge book on the Ottomans, Lord Kinross discusses the not well known fact that Christian peasants from Serbia and roundabouts escaped INTO the Sultan`s night with their families and livestock.

It makes sense too. The various Bishops with their gangs of thugs were warring with each other over thier religion of love. These were people who wouldn`t hesitiate to blind you over Jesus...whereas the Sultan could care less how many toes Christ had at one long as you obeyed his laws you were all welcome...interesting.

On his way to discover Nineveh, Layard stopped off in the Balkans...which is close enough to where all these millions of peacefully converted Christians lived and writes of his visit with a big bishop in Montenegro...while they are chatting over tea there comes a delegation of parish men seeking the bishop`s blessing for their deed that night. Layard said he never forgot how sick he felt when the men produced the severed heads of several Muslim children from a bag...and how even more pissed he was at the bishop for BLESSING them!!!

..kill god before he kills you.


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