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=> one man`s sand box...

one man`s sand box...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, August 5 2004, 23:49:33 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: anotherman`s arse....

In this you`ll see that Jassim`s education made him well fit for life 1400 years ago. When ever you tell these people about today...they go back in it justifies the crimes of Bush today to cite what was written 1400 years ago...

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Re: AINA: Iraqi Church Bombers: 'Christians Are Grandchildren of Monkeys and Swines'

Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <> (
Date: Thursday, 5 August 2004, at 10:41 a.m.

In Response To: Re: AINA: Iraqi Church Bombers: 'Christians Are Grandchildren of Monkeys and Swines' (AssyrianNationalist)

Bush was not there 1400 years ago when these Koranic (and satanic) verses were written.

Get your head out of the sand. I said.


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