one morning back in the mid 70s... |
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- Sunday, July 4 2004, 15:14:21 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I read an article on Iraq in the back pages of a newspaper...I thought it was odd to even see a reference to it in an American newspaper. And as from nowhere the article came up with "disturbing" news about Iraq`s mighty`s fiendish this and its dangerous that. I remember distinctly having an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "This can`t be "news", I thought to myself..."this is to prepare us all for something". It would have come as too much of a shock to Americans to just announce we were imposing Sanctions on a country like Iraq where we would soon be killing 5000 children a month without an introduction. Somehow that article about Iraq`s big, powerfull army and others that followed soon after, would have to "soften up" Americans so they`d come, one day, to see a beneift to themselves from "sacrificing" innocent know, like Jesus had to be sacrificed or no "goodies". And that`s just how it played out. That had to be the first time in history a nation declared war directly against innocent children, besides Herod...and won the gratitude of its people...relieved to learn they were that much safer now, with those five and eight year old potential suicide bombers done to death before they could grow up and harm their own little darlings...such is the madness of religion. When there is no need to bring in Evil...and that`s just what we`ve done. --------------------- |
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