The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> outsiders

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 6:25:42 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"The new Iraqi government will publish damning evidence this week linking foreign powers, including Iran and Syria, to the Muslim extremists and loyalists of the former regime who launched a bloody rebellion after the fall of Saddam Hussein" is not a new Iraqi is the same old puppets being dangled on American strings and Iraqis know that...nothing changed for`s another con job by the Americans and Brits.

...and Iraqis suspect "outside foreign sources" for being responsible for the sudden rise in the number of their children dying..and they suspect the British of "aiding" the Americans to attack their country..they too blame outside forces for what`s happening to their country. if it would be news that America could be attacked by a coalition of Muslim countries who then could reveal they have "damning" evidence that Canada and Mexico helped America beat off the attacking and occupying Muslims...and expect anybody to be shocked.

Give us a break from 24 hour twaddle...we didn`t ALL gradjiate from collitch.


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