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=> peter rolls over...

peter rolls over...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 1:15:08 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Re: "Iraqi Action Packs"

Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <> (
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 5:11 p.m.

In Response To: Re: "Iraqi Action Packs" (Tony BeitMalo)

You don't belong in the West. Go to Pakistan or Somalia,

..old tactic used druing Vietnam War and any time a person has nothing to say but..."go where I think you belong". That`s supposed to silence all opposition. Seems to me Peter`s the one in the Third World...Tony is exercising the right the Rervolution in America was fought express opposing points of view freely and argue points acording to their merits. Peter wants to bannish people to other comes of banning the points he can`t answer..and there are many. What, in anything Tony raised, indicates he wants to live in Somalia? Or move anywhere? seems to me he`s displaying his appreciation and understanding of what America stands for at its best...Freedom of expression and thought. Is questioning a civil manner, something Somalians are famous for? I hadn`t heard that..but maybe Peter knows about Somalia and Pakistan...and Iraqi dictatorships..he sure seems ignorant of American political traditions.

you will serve your inner calling much better and be more content with your conscious. why would Peter take it upon himself to tell Tony where to go live and what would suit him best? Is that because he`s used to telling people what they should think and what will get them banned if they persist in their "foolishness"?

The West is not the ultimate ideological enemy of the Assyrians. If you can't see that, I cannot help you in any way.

...who asked Peter for help? Did Tony? Is anyone in desperate need of Peter`s help..or his poetry? Will anyone pay for either? Will they take them for free?

...and who`s talking about ideology? Tony is talking about guns and bombs and starvation. What does ideology have to do with anything? We can argue ideology some other time...what we want to know is how an illegal war of such huge criminal porportions is going to improve the living conditions for all Iraqis..Christians specifically..which is what Peter assured us would be the end result of murder to improve people. I doubt it`s helped their ideology any either.

...One good thing is that the lack of any activity at aina, besides dredging up the past as a way to avoid the manifest blunders of the present, like discovering Iraq is Muslim and demcoracy mean majority rule...Peter is forced to "take the field". Even protected as he is by not being open to direct challenge, beyond the point when he`ll ban people for being "wrong" ideologiaclidoodle Democracy and Freedom always do...he knows he`s gonna get slapped he knows there isn`t anything he dares do about it...directly. Just as he has to get others to kill his brothers and sisters for him...well his sister was merely banned...I mean the rest of our people. want prooves that these people aren`t Assyrian...I submit Peter Jassim nee Betbassoo nee anything-else-that-will-get-rid-of-me, as exhibits "A" through "X", at least.


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