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=> peter ventures out on the internet highway...

peter ventures out on the internet highway...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 20 2004, 23:35:13 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...and gets run over....

Re: "Iraqi Action Packs"

Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <> (
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 3:33 p.m.

In Response To: Re: "Iraqi Action Packs" (Tony BeitMalo)

"How do you know, Muslims in Iraq aren't our brothers/sisters? And plus they believe in the same God as Jews and Christians."

They are not our brothers and sisters, get this silly, stupid idea out of your head. mean like when you stopped being your sister`s brother because she married a Muslim? And changed your last name? is that what you mean?

Also, they don't believe in the same God.

...sure they do..everyone but you recognizes the one and single god they all pray to..silly.

Jesus commands us to love and work for charity, and NOT to kill. that what you Christians are doing in Iraq...NOT-killing? Spreading goodness and charity or a pretty anus?

Allah commands Muslims to "Slay the infidel!".

...and what do you suppose the line "Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war" refers to? Who gives a shit what Jesus SAID...since the first Crusades right up to this one you boys have been invoking Jesus every time you killed Bush called this latest war a Crusade.

...the "infidel" you`re refering to wasn`t Jews or was pagans. Muhammad urged respect for the people of the Book..but the incursions of the Eastern Romans who were looking to kill everyone in their path to get control of Arabia, forced him to teach them a lesson..and so Islam taught them but good!

How is this the same God? Has 1400 hundreds years of Muslim genocide against Assyrians not sunk into your head? Hellooooooooooo??????? Earth calling Tony!!!!

...there has been no genocide at fact it was Christians just recently who declared as acceptable a policy that no Muslim ever would dare claim... the deliberate targetting of Assyrian children in Iraq, many of them Christians, through Sanctions everyone told the world meant 5000 dead children a month. This was brought to Iraq courtesy of people who pray to Jesus. as they remind us every five minutes.

...Assyrians converted to Islam in far greater numbers than they remained Christian and it is THIS fact that has made you murderers of your own brothers and sisters..and don`t tell us you never heard of a Civil War in which brother fights and kills brother..or a Religious war in which father kills sons and daughters and GLADLY too because it`s done for God?

..and there`s no point in you calling earth..your line`s been dead for years.

I am sorry to say this, but you are totally useless for Assyrians. What good are you? You should go join the resistance of Muqtada al-Sadr, as that seems to be your calling.

...that`s the usual cheap shot that signals you know you lost the point entirely. I agree with Tony do many Assyrians, real ones, you`d also find useless..and in truth they are indeed of no "use" to you, how`s your List coming?.

And THIS Assyrian built the first Assyrian Monument anywhere in 2500 years...while you wiggle your flat ass at conventions and hand out your silly poems...for free..."PLEASE...take ten"!

It is actually freightening to see an Assyrian with such a disconnect from the Assyrian reality and experience. You might as well be an Eskimo.

..and you might as well still be Jassim for all the difference a name change made. I`ll tell you one thing that makes us Assyrians that the rest of you screamingly lack..we will go anywhere at any time and confront anyone..and least of all someone like you. There isn`t a one of you who dares venture out where you can`t be protected. You tell me when Assyrians were that frightened of words and controversy and I`ll tell you your real Christian putz.


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