The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> pious busybodies and righteous scolds...

pious busybodies and righteous scolds...
Posted by Parhad (Guest) - Sunday, September 19 2004, 17:18:41 (CEST)
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...have always passed for least in their own eyes. To the rest of us they`re minor irritations that sometimes flare up into hemmorhoids.

We`ve allowed them all the room they ned...and it always come to.."you are INTOLERANT"!

Because we yawn and move on, we are EVIL and all the other terrors they scare themselves with.

It`s boring..their calls to CONSCIENCE, like all else abut them is a sham...they are liars suprememe...substituting cleverness for Reason...hysteria for discussion.

Besides it`s over. It`s like arguing the merits of the horseless carriage over the`s so "yesterday".

Now watch...will come a response..."oh YEAH! life is EVERYDAY!!!" Or some such pithy observatio no one but they ever thought of. retro.


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