The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> points..

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 0:46:33 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Tiglath tossed an onion and ducked and now they`re having a food fight at exceprt...

In fact Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity is, and your saying that Assyrian adopted Jewish culture, applies to Arabs more than it applies to Assyrians.

...actually no and yes. The Wahabbis are certainly as stern as any Old Testicle prophet...almost as much as the Puritans are..those are dour and un-fun loving people. But since Christianity came 700 years before Islam..and since we all supposedly converted freely and joyously much earlier..then we chose A Jewish knock off. also..Muhammad was not Jewish..he was Arab whereas Christ was Jewish..he wasn`t Arab and he sure as hell wasn`t Assyrian. In that way...Assyrians it would seem, ran after a Jew and his culture and his mindset with a vengeance (they did no such thing of course...they, like every nation defeated and trampled by the Romans were raped into Christ and taught to believe later that they dumped everything for a Jew)..while Arabs at least remained true to their own. Had any Assyrian been chosen as the Jewish Prophet..then maybe...but as it stands it`s the Assyrians who ran after Jew culture and beliefs..while the Arabs modified Judaism to their own experience..which wasn`t very cultured so it makes even less sense that Assyrians would have gone from the heights down to the slums of Nazareth.

Gabriel ya doin?


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