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=> rough draft...

rough draft...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 22 2004, 2:28:17 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

" It was a dark and stormy night...she awoke in a strange hotel room to feel a throbbing between her legs...a quick glance at her husband sleeping soundly on the bureau convinced her it couldn`t be him. Who was the storm outside pulsated AND throbed? Was it John Nimrod`d rod? No...the last time he`d gotten it up was when Wilfred Alkhas was found in a pink tutu using Nimrods wrinkled dick for a barre...trying out nw combinations no one ever saw at the Bolshevik.

Could it be the____(next person to piss me off)___, but no, it couldn`t be...didn`t feel right. Jackie Bejan lit a cigarette and took a long, low drag...whatever was thrusting against her pulsating pelvis was prickly ( I like that). She knew lots of pricks...had known most of the ones sitting at the president`s table the night before, when she`d had one too many and fallen in the hotel pool, her woolen skirt floating above her head to the sounds of the smokey band in the smoke filled bar playing smokey jazz long and hot.

She`d floated there for awhile, the hotel fish swimming between her thighs, reminding her of the time three weeks earlier when she`d found herself at noon in a crowded lobby waiting to go up and meet the mysterious stranger whose brother she`d been caught in a haystack with by the chief of police in the town she kept a travelling brothel in..."

...ain`t art wonderful..I could go on and on...which is more than anyone ever said for Lincoln.

note: Jackie, show this to sure to wear all your jewelry...tell him you want to sue, price is no object...he`ll tell you it can definitely be done..he`ll take a $10,000 retainer again...send me a whole lot of stupid letters and fly out to Detroit to see if he can make a deal with Jeff. When he`s used up that money..and you want to know what came of it..he`ll say the case looks a little tougher than it appeared now that he`s had time, and money, to study it...and he`ll need another $15,000 to "get the ball rolling"...balls are very expensive things. At that point you MIGHT remember how you got snookered by this line before..or you might not.

further note; I am indebted to Bulwer Lytton for the opening are most writers today.


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