The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> slighted...again.

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 14:51:22 (CEST)
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Re:What about the Anfal against Assyrians ?

Posted By: Nineve (
Date: Saturday, 3 July 2004, at 10:36 p.m.

In Response To: Gaddafi's daughter to defend Saddam (RG)

How come there is no mention of the Anfal crimes against Assyrians and their villages in the heartland of Assyria(North of Iraq)?

Even in Saddam's trial Assyrians are 5th class citizens ?
What a shame...

...there are no Assyrians...there are Iraqis, some of whom are Christians. No one recognizes you Christians as "Assyrians" is a claim put forth by your priests and taught to snot nosed children who have little choice but to swallow it, with their snot. Kurds are in a different category because they are present in several countries, are Muslims, and have acted the part of a separate group for decades and centuries...and oh yes, they have fought constantly...they aren`t in Turlock singing and dancing and pouring out tears when the press is near by.

You have to PROVE who you are..prove it to the world, not just to your girl friends..and obviously Peter Jassim didn`t convince anybody by changing his takes a lot more than that out in the`s just that these dinky things you boys do in your nursery and play pen are ALL the world to you.


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