The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> so typpical..

so typpical..
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 19 2004, 14:43:27 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

..all this anger directed at Assrian "politicians". These people produce experts and nationalists and such at the drop of the credentials required, you don`t even have to make any sense, just appeal to the vanity of little boys..then they DEMANDS one of their historians be given a chair at Harvard...and the guy get`s thrown out on his ear..or gets lost trying to find his office and they yell and scream at him.

So long as their experts and grat tinkers and "really" powerful people remain on forums and in hotel lobbies...they can all maintain the illusion that their "intellectooals" are first rate, top notch, "as good as Ashur"..."the same as..." And when there isn`t anything to be gained or even accomplished by their politicians really look and sound great. In fact, ALL of their prooves and points and "Assyrians" can ONLY maintain the illusion that any of them are real so long as they DON`T go outside...don`t go up against reality or anyone substantial. No other "nation" sends such woefully ill-suited thugs and auto mechanics to "represent them".

The minute the boys come up against the slightest resistance they get pissed as hell, sure they`ve been "betrayed" when they`ve just been exposed by their own folly...stepped up to an actual test and failed miserably...because the hothouse atmosphere and the rarefied air they breathe, cleaned and filtered of any annoyance by their keepers and in which they do all these GRAT TINGS is of their own making..carefull maintained for them by Firas and they`ll never be "stressed" in the least by having to actually defend themselves in the free-for-all the world is, where you can`t bring your Mommy with you and therefore have to think a little harder and read a little more and make sense a LOT more.

They are so used to giving prooves only to each writing letters that make no sense, but sound really keen and neat to them and their cousins, girl friends and tribal fellows that they think they`ve actually answered all questions, put to rest all doubts...settled all outstanding issues...when all they`ve done is repeat the same looney points they`ve been making to each other for years....taught to them first by their village idiot priests...contained in NO other legitimate source but Syriac manuscripts which, thankfully, no one else looks to for anything.

The boys got the hell out of harm`s way and now they want the people stuck there to demand this and that...and if they don`t..because they know full well what the realities are,..the boys get miffed and throw hissy fits and wish them all dead and on a list so they might be of some use...forgetting the reasons they themselves got out. And now...after Christians have gone there and committed unspeakable crimes..the boys are SURE good things are to come to them personally..convinced that they will be or must be given guarantees that ALL their rights be protected and promised them..something no one has in America even.

And when Kanna can do nothing but strutt around OUTSIDE Iraq and bear with the demands and the silly hysteria of people so far removed from the world, people who spend their days driving taxis or sweeping floors or in front of the TV, stroking them and promising them whatever it takes to get a donation..and when he returns to a real world gone mad and can do nothing..they turn and yell at their "politicians"m whose actual performance in the world is so "different" from what they seem to promise in hotel lobbies and garage clubhouses where no one opposes there`s any way to get them anything...because they`re so damn used to making whatever dingbat arguments and prooves they want to in the nuthouse they call forums...and at their annual hot dog luncheons. And so they turn on the poor bastards...the "experts" of their own ditzy making when the dumb bastards can do nothing, ashamed even to make the same denads and proooves they made so easily the night before in "Assyria".

Any time you test one of these will find them sadly wanting and lacking in even the most rudimentary qualifications for any of the titles they shower each other with. THAT`S the thing that pisses them off...makes them feel they have "enemies"..that someone worked behind the scenes or their backs to make them fail...because on their message board...three guys and a dog thought they were brilliant so, what happned? What happned is they can`t ban and delete what they don`t like in the actual world..where actual, not vistual, things take place...not out there and out there is where the fools sometimes venture..forgetting how ill equipped Firas and Jassim have made they`ve spoiled them like any hairy parent would by protecting them from their own stupidity...setting them up to make fools of themselves.

Hell, Aprim JUST discovered Iraq was Muslim...and JUST discovered what "Majority Rule" means and all of them JUST realized they might get nothing and worse...after having cheered on, TO THIS DAY, the continued slaughter and illegal occupation of Iraq...and they wonder why they`re "not liked".

Dear want to be Great? You want to be the only descendants of the Assyrians? You want this and you demand that? STAY HOME!


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