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=> somebody ate fish...

somebody ate fish...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 30 2004, 17:11:04 (CEST)
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Written by wm warda on 30 Jun 2004 09:17:44:

No Help Form the Christians of the West.

...that`s gtatitude for you! After they brought liberty to Iraq?

Not only Christian churches in Iraq have to contend with crime and anti christian threats from the moslem extremist but they also fear the Evengelists of the west who steal away their parishioners by bribing them with badlly needed $25 dollars food basket to establish new competing churches.

...ahhh, when the chickens come home to roost they sure do crap all over the place...don`t they?

...How do you think people became Christian in the first place? The religion held some interest for a few tribes in the region it was born..but the Romans shoved it down everybdy else`s throats wherever they went shopping for slaves..and it is a perfect religion for slaves who know all about sacrificing everything.

...To the rest of the world Christianity was spread in the same way...conquering armies took missionaries with them and you either bowed to the missionary position or you got killed and your children "saved" instead. That simple. The religion is completely foreign and has no roots within the consciousness of most of its "believers". It was imposed upon ignorant and unoffending children, as it still is. Out of any 100 adults anywhere in the world you might get three to sign up voluntarily..but that`s not the way it`s "spread". It`s taught to children who have no way of defending themselves against it.

...The few times in history when missionaries took themselves seriously and went it alone, they got cooked and et. The rest of the time they go with the army, or come after the army has killed enough people to make the rest of them "soft".

...They played this game in Urmia. Why go convert the heatehen, you might get et. Why not go and convert Christians to YOUR Christianity? That`s what the foreign missionaries did in Urmi..they had money for heaters and cookies and books and they could build nicer churches and have better schools in them, so NATURALLY God was on their side just a little bit more than he was on your dirt poor church`s side.

...Now there`s no way on earth you could have wooed Assyrians away from Ashur with glass beads and other trinkets. It took massive violence to do that. There was no Abgar and his famous conversion..there were no Jews walking down the village lanes converting people as if by magic..this is the work of the same liars who gave you a Jew flying to heaven in the first place.

...Assyrians were killed and forcibly converted, their children especially targeted...growing up to believe the nonsense their priests they still do.

We know that every instance in the modern era for which we have independent sources, that the Church engaged in massive violence in collusion with the armies of the State to FORCE people to Christ, "Or Else". And in the Afro-American ciongregations we can see that the children forced into the religion of the same people who killed their parents, never quite belong anywhere after that..though they`ll sing and shout and stomp and BELIEVE as furiously as anyone else...maybe to shout down a grief so deep they don`t know anything of it but it`s pain.

.... No culture, certainly not one as developed and refined with so much good cause to respect its own gods as the Assyrians, EVER came away from those gods and the culture they were the center of willingly. That`s a lie and a crime you people continue to commit against your own if the Romans were still doing it to them...instead of their own parents. Paul Younan is going to do to his children what Rome did to the children of Assyrians when it conquered the`s going to teach them that Christ is their "savior" and Ashur belongs on "a perch in hell". Now, you have to admire a system that can get parents to continue the crimes and lies of the opressors of their own people,,,

...That`s why Christianity never really "took"..except in some cases but those people were just called heretics anyway and killed or marginalized. The only Christianity that survived was what Rome allowed...and that was never a part of an Assyrian`s make up...never FROM their soul but clamped OVER their skins..a shuffling, whining form of behavior completely at odds with 4000 years of grwoth and development..and look what it`s made of them.

The primary goal of these evangelists is not to help christians in need but to profit from their misery.

..what do you think Bush went there to do? Help Iraqis?

At a time when the Christian community needs unity and solidarity to sustain itself it is being fragmented even more.

...Christianity IS fragmentation...that begins when people are torn away from their own natural religions by force. Since it`s never a thorough conversion but all fervent lip service, the people are ready and prone to switch again and they`ve done and as you`re now lamenting they`re doing for $25.

...Isn`t the entire fairy tale about Abgar intended to make that point? And don`t you all get weepy eyed at the thought of it? Wasn`t Abgar in pain and didn`t he switch to the first religion that brought him $25 worth of relief? Well, what if another religion comes along, or a sect of one and will give you FIFTY bucks worth of relief? What if Abgar get`s sick again and Christ can`t help him but Mugwump can? By all precedent established by you boys yourselves, shouldn`t Abgar take the money and run? Assyrians NEVER came to Christ willingly..they NEVER threw away all that rich heritage for $25. But having done it once, however they did it...they find themselves tempted by yet another $25 and then another $25 and will jump ship for $35 or $50 and you can buy their souls outright for $100.

What has helped the christians of the East to survive despite all the adversity has been partly due to their belief in shared theology.

...but they have survived AS A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY! They gave up on the core essence of what an ASSYRIAN is! They threw away ASSYRIAN THEOLOGY and if you ask Paul Younan, it`s a good thing they did because now they can be SAVED, after death. Being Assyrian NEVER meant "Christian" your dogma sense...we had all the virtues without the vices of Christianity..which is just warmed-over Judaism...nice enough but who would want to live there?

Now even that is in danger of being unraveled thanks to the western missionaries. undermining the faith of a people in the church which they have devoted most of their life to tends to make them cynical about christianity and wonder if there is truely an unassailable christian faith especially when they are asked to switch church in return for the needed food.(my comments)

...once you betray your are likely to go on doing so with any other people dear to`ve simply mistaken a large group of traitors for a cohesive a lot of pirates can look like a seaside village. Of course Christianity is assailable..why do you think they attack each other more than anyone ever attacked them? It`s a religion that starts out by demanding the murder of its own prophet or there`ll be no $25 when they get to heaven..kind of strange no?


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