somethin definitely screwy at aina... |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 12 2004, 20:36:44 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I mean they`re scrhay anyway..but for no one to post in all these isn`t like thay ahve anything to say whenthey DO post so they haven`t run out of things to not say...but even the recycled stuff abot triangles and Kurds and their "rights" are absent. Can they have exhausted themselves? Will they leave the stage after reaching their high water mark..that is, a tea with Laura Bush? Is that all it took? Is Dooz tired of wishing death to people? Is he out of work now that someone is doing it for him..I mean actually killing the people? Is there nothing to be said? Are all of them waiting to make sure they didn`t get anything..then go hunting up dead Christians so they can appeal to the white man`s pity? The same kinder, gentler white man who starved to death a half million Assyrian children? what happened to Assria? --------------------- |
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