something...well, lots of things... |
Posted by
- Monday, June 21 2004, 5:51:01 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...don`t make sense. The way Jassim tells it there isn`t a more dastardly bunch of Christian-eating monsters on earth than Muslims...why they`re so bad you can never trust them...they`ll kidnap your children, eat your wives steal your liquor and then get really mean. And after pissing the hell out of them some more...he wants to go live among them? Well, he never would..neither would the rest of these nationalists. But think of it...they want a little triangle...surrounded by millions of what they themselves describe as the most bloodthirsty savages in the world ever! And..seeing as how they cut and run at the slightest noise..and that they`re going to be surrounded on all sides...when do they plan on sleeping? Won`t they have to be up all night keeping an eye on their children lest the Muslims come steal them in the night? Why wouldn`t the Muslims genocide them all to death anyway..what`s a measely border when you`re Muslims? And how handy that they`re all assembled in one spot...don`t have to go looking for them... How can they go to work knowing the Muslims will come rape their wives? And what if all the surrounding Muslim countries decide to close their borders with this pin-headed triangle? What will they do? In fact...given what Jassim tells us about Muslims...wouldn`t the safest place for the few Christians left in Iraq be right next door to him in America? You know what they`re counting on..they hope from somewhere that the United States will adopt them as a lifelong project...sort of one big basket case...and they`ll be ever so grateful they`ll do WHATEVER Uncle Sam asks of them..which the Muslims know full well, which is another reason it will never happen. But again, they all knew that from the beginning and for all his blather neither Peter, Firas, Aprim or any of them are going back there...are you nuts? The whole point was to get Assyrian Muslims well as Christians...with the Christians killing the Muslims and the Muslims returning the favor..and Peter standing back and writing poetry...I guess. YOU figure them out. It will never happen..I mean any territory handed over to Christians...and they know it. It`s part of the "Pity Us" National Agenda of theirs to make "Assyrians" as pathetic as possible, so Peter`s poetry and Hanna`s cartoons and Aprims "books" can remain the "best" this bucnh of cardboard Assyrians can be expected to make..the rest of us having run screaming in the night long ago. They wish. --------------------- |
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