The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> something werid at aina

something werid at aina
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 14:43:18 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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or rather aina is weird....that post about Warda have tea with Laura seems to have shot their gears. There hasn`t been a new post since Thursday...and today is Saturday...yet when I go on the dingbat greets me with "Hello there Farid, you still are banned but since your LAST VISIT 192 NEW (?) messages have been posted". They have? I know they`re the mother of all liars but what kind of silliness is this?

And that very post about Warda and tea has 205 "views" I guess. That`s the number next to it. They haven`t GOT that many people reading there. Most of their posts average around 50 or so. But just because this one about tea and Laura has been up there at the top by its lonesome all this time..that many MORE people read it? Or did they read it over and over unable to believe their good fortune..that after 6000 years they finally made it?

As Peter said last time their fuses it the Kurds again? Have the Arabs attacked Assyria again? Can there be a massacre soon to come?

How can it be that the more time passes between posts, the more posts there are AND the more people re-read an old one?


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