The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> still haven`t gone for his mother...

still haven`t gone for his mother...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 19 2004, 21:01:04 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Jay on 19 Jun 2004 18:57:06:

As an answer to: Re: North Iraq = South Kurdistan = Occupied Assyria written by Sami on 19 Jun 2004 15:03:17:

Let's assume that you are right for a moment, (just for the sake of argument).

If Kurds are Assyrians as you claim:

...that`s not what he said. He said we are all the same know..the children of Adam and Eve..or don`t you believe your bloody bible? We are indeed all the same people with variations here and there that aren`t woprth the trouble...not when we`re facing Armandgettum.

Wouldn't Kurds be A.K.A. Assyrians?
But facts show that Kurds refuse the name Assyrian?

..I refuse you Christians the name Assyrian too. There`s nothing Assyrian about you except your wooley headed preists who taught you to repeat this till we`re sick of it. He didn`t say anything about names..he said PEOPLE. The North and the South had different names for each other in the American Civil War..even different colors...and neither wanted to be called by the other`s name..but they were one people none the less.

Wouldn't Kurds potect Assyrian culture and teach it to their younger genertationas their own culture?
But the facts show they don't! don`t have an Assyrian have a Christian religious me one cultural center against ten thousand minor churches? To you people being Christian and being Assyrian is the same isn`t...Assyrians were never Christians..we had our own boys smothered it in Jew crap.

Wouldn't the Kurds be Semitic as the Addyrians?
But facts show that they are Aryans.

...these are the meaningless distinctions he`s refring to...we are one people with minor differences not worth the trouble we`re putting each other`s children and the planet through. You boys want revenge against our peole for turning to Muhammad, an Arab where you turned to Jesus, a ALL turned away from the essence of what an Assyrian WAS. We`ll have to forge a new identity and it will have to put your religions in the background...except you want them in the forefront blotting out all else..and you`re willing to see alot more inncoent people killed and have them killed, to achieve such a "noble" goal.

Wouldn't they demand an independent Assyria rather than Kurdistan? (Because Assyria was an established state while Kurdistan was not). But in fact they don't.

...Of course they wouldn`t. They won`t get a Kurdistan either. Your Assyria had nothing to do with you. France used to be called Gaul...try bringing back that name..silly.

How do you explain that they identify themselves as the Medes who destroyed Assyria, and link themselves to only indo-European peoples that arrived in the region.

...Assyrians destroyed plenty and their empire wasn`t handed to them...Assyrians occupied lots of lands and ruled over Babylon at different times as different people ruled over them and ALL of them were exchanging blood and sperm so no on was pure anything..except you boys who are pure idiots and budding Fascists.

The bottom line is that Assyria is under Kurdish occupation, and as long as the Kurds don't prectice being Assyrian then they are not.

...They all teach Assyrian history..they`re just not about to honor your ridiculous claim, based on nothing, that YOU and only you are descended DIRECTLY and with NO BLEMISHES from people of 4000 years ago. In two thousand years before the Jew was born, Assyrians were mixing it up with everybody so no one was pure anything even back then.

...The land is not USED to be Assyria. Your dysfunction doesn`t run the world...England used to be called Albion and not as far back as Iraq was called Assyria..yet sane people know there`s been a slight chnge in a few thousand years---except for you boys. Which is the reason you`re all over the place.

Try calling a Kurd Assyrian and see his reponse.

...try calling an Assyrian a Christian and see the response you get.


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