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- Saturday, June 26 2004, 21:10:53 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...everybody is losing it. This fellow has such outrageous lies it`s almost a work of beauty. Those priests know how to fuck kids BOTH ends. Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Urartu on 26 Jun 2004 19:05:01: As an answer to: You guys live in the past written by Kurdistani on 26 Jun 2004 13:32:25: I agree with what you said that: >Kurds are around 40-45 Millions And let me add that so were the Assyrians 40-50 millions before the Kurds massacred them and brought them to a minority of 3 million. ...I don`t about Kurd figures but you`re crazy...period. Or on a mission for god which will make you crazy. There were no 40 million Christians calling themselves Assyrians...and the Kurds didn`t massacre that number or any number. There were wars in villages...feuds and skirmishes...there was no massacre of millions you horse`s ass. Clean the blood on your hands and then talk. ...clean the blood of the Christans in Iraq off your hands TODAY..not to mention the 500,000 Assyrian children, many of them Christian, killed by your Masters, the American Christians (well? Why can`t I throw that word around as well) Here is the Kurdish concept of Democracy: Kurds were a minority in the past so they massacred the Assyrians who were the majority, brought them to a minority status, then they want to apply democracy since tnow their numbers represent the majority. ...democracy wasn`t their was Bush`s idea. It also isn`t a Kurdish definition of demcoracy that says it`s "Majority Rule". And finally, regardless of the accuracy of the lying figures you isn`t the Kurds`fault that you boys took so long in getting Christians to go there and kill everybody and impose should have done it sooner..when you might have been in the majority...sheesh! If what the Kurds did to the Assyrians is justified, then the Turks are justified to do the same to the Kurds. and similarly their numbers can be brought to 3 million in Turkey and they will end up as a very small minority like the Assyrians. ...two wrongs don`t make a right...we can`t go on like this. Native Americans were murdered in the millions..we all know it and can can prove it..they can hardly get away with killing millions of whites today..because you said it was okay...idiot. If it was good for Assyrians, then it would be good for the Kurds too, after all we all want equality! are another boring again Christian who doesn`t know how to deal with the simple fact that the majority of our people turned to Islam...while you ran barefoot to China. Brother kills brother all the time and you simply want someone else to kill your Muslim brothers and sisters...we will leave you behind. And use the proper are no are Nazareth. Democracy is not established by killing the opposition in the parliament, or the opposition in population. That is not democracy. one ever said it did. You posed the dumb ass "question" then answered it. Wars happen...ask Aprim, he knows. revenge can go on forever, no one wins. They just get tired of it and we`re tired of it..but you boys go right ahead and tell other people to go kill for you...apparently you haven`t had enough of talkingalot. The rest of us will try to do as Bush in Iraq in a democracy. Regardless of how the present day population got here, the point is from here on out we want to do things democratically. If your Christian numbers are so small, you have no one to blame but yourselves...EVERYBODY has lost people killed...just a few years ago Bush`s betrayal led to 200,000 dead Kurds..much to your delight no doubt. These things happen...get used to it and let`s build an Iraq where people like you on both sides can be put to pasture. ..there is no alternative..not if you want democracy..face it, you`re a minority and no matter how pathetic you one will seize any land and give it to, you really have no choice. Urartu --------------------- |
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