The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> tanx Tiglath..

tanx Tiglath..
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 21:49:06 (CEST)
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...for drawing them out. They may have to ban you as soon as they realize what they`ve said. Their only hope is to remain hidden and never speak where anyone can talk back to them...they`ll get themelves every time.

Re: More of Tiglath's Friends


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Atra on 21 Jun 2004 19:40:50:

As an answer to: More of Tiglath's Friends written by Ashur on 21 Jun 2004 18:53:16:

This is what Tiglath and his friends call "brotherly love".

To a muslim a Christian is a Christian no matter where he/she comes from so they are all their enemies and they wouldn't spare even the innocent.

...Tariq Azziz and Dr. Donny George are are lots of Christians who ran liquor stores till the Americans came and any number of other Christians who were doing just fine..but you don`t count anyone who lives in peace with his brothers of a different religion as real "Assyrians". You`ve decided who is real and who isn`t..that`s why you have to hide over here...out in the world you`d get run need protection 24 hours a day or you can`t be a hero. I`m not Muslim, neither is Tiglath..what are you afraid of now?

...The Christians, like the ones who collaborate with the Americans illegally and imorally attacking Iraq and killing its people are not "innocent". Read something besides a Syriac manuscript and you`ll see what collaborators have always gotten. If you work for the people attacking your matter how benign you view those people you are an enemy deserving summary execution..and the entire world knows that.

As for the rest..just as America concluded that all Iraqis were "somehow" guilty for 9/11..though no proof has ever been found or planted...they went ahead and made war against them anyway...obviously being innocent doesn`t save didn`t save 500,000 Assyrian children, many of them Muslim..who ONLY died because of American Christian imposed Sanctions..the argument that Saddam might have starved the children some day, so better to do it now and spare silly...but something you`d appreciate.

Tiglath and company want the Christians to live once again as "dhemmies" and pay "jizya" and that would be another form of "brotherly love".
Till when are they going to walk with a blind fold !!!

...go their eyes for them...since you`re safely in the West you can afford to do that. Let them open their eyes and see what you did for them...see how they`re now surrounded by the Muslim fanatics Saddam held down all those years..see how strong and confident the clerics have become and how popular, as Bush knew they would, under American tuteledge and practice against enemy soldiers. Show them what a democractic Iraq will look like...what majority rule will mean especially now, after a year of humiliation and torture and murder by people who pray to the same god you do..whose priests bless the guns and missles and dildos they use on Iraqis...much to your not so secret delight. Go their eyes to the dangers they face now they never knew under Saddam.


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