tap dancing in Assyria |
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- Monday, July 5 2004, 12:09:29 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...inwhich Hanna throws up a dust storm so we don`t see an answer... Re: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Hanna Hajjar on 05 Jul 2004 09:01:05: As an answer to: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle written by Tiglath on 04 Jul 2004 17:10:08: >My question will require common sense. And I ask that people either avoid this as you have done most of my other questions or answer as honestly as possible. >Will the Assyrian triangle be Democratic? Why are you picking on the Assyrian Triangle when it hasn't materialized yet? ...stop feeling picked upon all the time...it`s a question..why do you answer a question with a question? What you are asking is like asking a pregnant woman: ...is this all you do? Provide proverbs in place of answers? Will your baby become a doctor? Come on! It is a premature question, ...it isn`t like that all..it`s more like will the baby come out between your legs or your ears...simple enough to answer. What do you INTEND as a political system for your triangle...? Will come out your ears or your arse? There is a very common Arabic expression in the Middle East (used by Moslems) that goes like this: ...why do you speak in Samplers? Do you stitch pillows on the side? Lamma byiji el sabi, minsalli 3al Nabi. (when the son is born, we'll pray for the prophet). ...why don`t you answer the question...do you get paid by the word? Why don't you question existing governments of the Middle East, Are they democratic? Will they ever become democratic? And if you can't get an answer from them, why are you demanding an answer from Assyrians? ...Why don`t you answer a simple question?...he isn`t demanding anything..he asked you a question...why are you doing everything BUT answering the question? There are only a few forms of government going around these days..which do you want for your triangle? You don`t have a triangle yet you`ve settled its borders...and it doesn`t exist yet...you`ve taken land away from other parts of Iraq, and made a triangle in your head..we know you don`t have a triangle yet, that it`s in your head..and will stay there...but you can say what kind of government you envision in that head of yours, the same head where you`ve marked off the borders of that triangle already..and it doesn`t exist yet..so tell us what kind of government the triangle that doesn`t exist yet will have. The way I look at it, is that an independent Assyrian Triangle will be more democratic than its neighbors. ...what`s that supposed to mean? That isn`t the question...will it be a DEMOCRACY? That I can assure you. ...How? How can you assure anything about a place that only exists in your head..what happened to the Arabic woman and her doctor anyway? But is it going to be the ideal democracy? ...who said "ideal"? Why don`t you answer the question as it`s given..why do you change the wording so you can answer a different question...one that Tiglath didn`t ask you...no one expects an IDEAL anywhere..no one mentioned the word IDEAL...you did...so you can can change the subject, make the person asking the question out to be an airy fairy idealist..when you`re the one looking for doctors up an Arab woman`s vaginal canal. I don't know, and no one will ever know, and any one who tells you other wise doesn't know what he is talking about. ...No one asked about an ideal democracy..you brought the term up as a way of sidestepping the issue at hand..there aren`t so many forms to choose from that it should be this difficult...who asked you about an ideal democracy... If a bird has been living in a cage for a long time, and is set free, it will take some time for it to be able to fly, since in the cage it was not able to practice flying. And just like a bird, Assyrians will adopt a democratic system and gradually progress to a higher level of democracy as time passes by. It is not like you switch a button and there is light. ...what higher form of democracy are you refering to? What`s the lower form Assyrians will first adopt and how will they climb to a higher level of democracy? Does America have that higher level of democracy? Was Bush elected or appointed...did he get a majority of the peoplè vote or less? Is that the kind of democracy you want for your head? ...I take it then, after all the fortune cookie talk, that your triangle will be the best demcocary it can be under the circumstances...right? Why the fuck didn`t you say so to begin with? ...remember the saying..."As you wander through life, brother...whatever be your goal..keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole." You`ve been focusing all your life on the hole. Hanna Hajjar --------------------- |
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