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=> the guy gives great tongue...

the guy gives great tongue...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 20:42:13 (CEST)
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Written by Fred Aprim on 27 Jun 2004 17:53:42:

As an answer to: Re: not true written by Tiglath on 27 Jun 2004 15:37:41:

Excuse me!

..there IS no excuse for you...mere copulation doesn`t account for you as the end product. It took MORE a LOT more!.

You do not complain when kurds make Dohuk kurdish; you do not complain when kurds make Kirkuk kurdish; you do not compain when kurds make Mosul kurdish; you do not complain when kurds make the historic Assyria as southern kurdxxxxx; you do not complain when kurds inflate their numbers,

...YOU do not complain when 500,000 Assyrian children are starved to death and left to die in filth and squalor...YOU do not complain when sewage treatment plants are destroyed to make sure they do...YOU do not complain when water treatment plants are destroyed so shit can`t be cleaned off of dying babies, YOU do not complain when electric generators are destroyed so food rots and more disease spreads, YOU do not complain against Christians doing this, YOU do not complain when after a year there are no more medicines in Iraq but a hell of a lot more weapons and foreign soldiers...YOU do not accept figures put out by the United Nations or Amnesty International or the International Red Cross about the direct relation of the Sanctions YOU do not complain about that did all this...YOU do not complain about depleted uranium in the playgrounds...YOU do not complain with us when we say that bombs and diseases and starvation kill Christians too...YOU do not complain when Assyrian women are jailed and raped for "information" hidden between their fact YOU do not complain at all when an illegal and immoral war based on lies that you also NEVER complained about, is waged against YOUR dear homeland...which can do very well if it never hears from you and youre again.

yet you demand that an Assyrian be corrected because she stated that we are this many!

...if you knew where to stick your pecker so that you produced children instead of hemorrhoids...and they did poorly in school..would YOU go complain about the other children??? Would you scold THEM???

To nehonest with you, I found that disgusting. be honest with`re about the most disgusting man I ever kissed!

In 1932, Yousuf Malek (a civil service employee in the Iraqi government from 1917 - 1930) wrote a book titled: 19 fucking THIRTY TWO??? You mean you`ve found nothing more currant than that? Do you want us to go by what "scholars" thought of "Assyrians" in NINETEEN FUCKING THIRTY TWO???

"Les Consequences Traqiques Du Mandat en Iraq."
In that book, Malek states that in Mosul the population of Arabs was 80,000; kurds 80,000; and others 182,000. Out of these 182,000, Maluk shows that 111,700 were Assyrians.

...are you seriously maintaining that those others were all masaccreed??? Did you people never MOVE to Chicago...? How many Iraqis have been killed off since you Christians started this war against Iraq? Especially a HALF MILLIN CHILDREN KILLED? Does that count for anything anywhere..or just YOUR supposed losses...which you have to reach back to NINETEEN FUCKING THIRTY TWO to make a pointy head with?

...there were NO Arabs there...Muslims in Iraq are NOT Arabs just because the religion comes from Arabia..either that is the case or all you fucking Christians are JEWS FROM ISRAEL..because that`s where YOUR religion came from.

Spread this information please.

...spread your comes Uncle Sam.




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