The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> the obvious escapes the oblivious

the obvious escapes the oblivious
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 30 2004, 8:14:06 (CEST)
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Posted By: Persi <> (
Date: Wednesday, 30 June 2004, at 12:36 a.m.

In Response To: Oh brother! (Peter BetBasoo)

The Kurds have currently approximately 300,000 fighters in Iraq alone. Neither Sunnis nor Shiites have organized military or police force. As this time, the Kurds can walk into Baghdad. However, their concern is the Turks, Iraqi Arabs and Persians would not be able to stop them.

Due to semi-autonomous Kurdish government in the North since 1991, it is almost impossible to reverse the Kurdish domination in the North.


..that is so true and so obvious..that all the boys can do to counter it is NOT spell out KURDISTAN...which is in keeping with the rest of their National Blindness that comes form a lifetime of merely banning and deleting what they can`t face...from the little, little world they occupy. To "confront" ther reality of the Kurds they have banned the letters from the name of KURDISTAN..banned them and substituted the same marks they use when deleting foul`s that for being real Players in the world? What Afro_American EVER thought he or she solved their problems by NOT SPELLING out "RACISM"...or "SEGREGATION"...which Africans thought to beat back racism in South Africa by NOT SPELLING out "APARTHEID"? These are the actions of heroes, one of whom is better than ten million of any other people???...or is the "action" of children and bad boys.

..There`s nothing more the boys would like than to trade places with the Kurds..NOTHING.

You boys can thank Christianity some more for "saving" you...saving you from having to live among Muslims..saving you from encouraging people like Dr Donny George and Traiq Azziz and all the other Christians who worked for and loved Iraq...the ones you called traitors and their mother`s whores. You can thank Christianity for having driven you to your knees where you scheme and plot to have your own people and country destroyed..where the position is just right for your campaign of National Ass Kissing Of Whites.

You can thank Christianity for making you pliable and liable to listen to ANY foreign Christian scheme as you followed ANY foreign missionaries who gave you cookies with your can thank your Christian Masters for using you and leaving you to catch the hell you so richly deserve, though you side step even that and let others catch it for you..then you "weep" over them while at the same time praising your goddamned Levies...Christians who betrayed the trust and generosity of the Iraqi government, headed by an ARAB from ARABIA, who opened the country`s borders and invited you in to live among them " as brothers"...but then the same people who betray their god and heritage and their artists who paint with purple...can betray anyone and no more understand what gratitude is than they know litmus from toilet paper.

You can thank Christianity for making you unsuited for life in Iraq and the MidEast in general...though many could have done it, but for your National Work of fucking it up for EVERYBODY if YOU can`t get your way.

Thank Ashur the majority of our people turned to Islam and saved classical and modern Learning and now live in BetNahrain as they have since the beginning and thank Ashur they`re smart enough and wise enough to give you the Ministry of "GET OUT"...hoping you`ll leave before bad things happen to you wished and prayed for ao many bad things to happen to the people of your chief asshole Dooz STILL that son of a whore, Peter Jassim let`s him do..even though his rules say no such thing will be allowed...sending the message that the people of Iraq aren`t covered by his rules..the same asshole who DEMANDS that Iraq GUARATEES HIS Christian fucking rights.

In the end Christianity will have been a device for weeding out those who were constitutioanlly unfit to remain in BetNahrain..and that`s just the way it`s played out. There is JUSTICE after all. Those who would kill a child if the child leaves their religion...should NOT raise children..and those who would wish death on the children of other people in a country they want destroyed if it won`t let them "love" it as they demand and pray to have starvation and devastation and depleted uranium delivered to it, should NOT live in that land.

Take a hint and take a hike...take your sorry, mean-spitited, murderous Christian asses to where Jassim`s is already..him and Firas Jones and Hanna Hajjar and George are NONE of you welcome back in OUR homelands.

Assyria for everyone BUT Christians...cause that`s the way you played your hand.


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