The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> the original question...

the original question...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 4:07:45 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...Tiglath asked..that no one has bothered even to address was, as best as I recall it..."how do you boys know you aren`t also Babylonian, Aramean, Chaldean, Hittite etc" In other words, how do you know for sure that you are ONLY Assyrian?

They know what he`s driving at and they can`t afford to answer so that`s why they brought his father into`s their usual way of getting you to "change venues". Like Aprim was going to "expose" my children so I`d "change venues", or "wake up", or "watch out"...till I exposed him as a toilet kisser and he changed his venue for a Syria.

They can`t answer because they`d have to tell the truth..and it`s hard for Christians to do that...apparently. If they admit the obvious, that they can`t tell if they`re 10% Assyrian...or 55% Assyrian and maybe 33$ Babylonian with maybe a 10% Hurrian streak, or if an ancestor of theirs fucked a jackass...then they don`t know shit about who can be what or when back then or ever! They don`t know if an Arab tribe didn`t come into Assyria and they have Arab "blood" in them..or anything else. It`s just intended to give a passle of sorry ass Christians LAND RIGHTS...for hevvin`s sake! To allow them to call others uslurpers of the land and tell them, ORDER them to go back where they came from when they have no idea where THEY came from

It`s like this one god business. How do you know there even IS a god..and then how do you know there is only ONE god...and how do you know he`s YOUR god..and just do you know it`s a HE?

They don`t know any of this stuff...they just "believe" it...on "faith"...which they turn into FACTS and PROOVES. It`s this believing in things JUST because they`re so implausible they MUST be right that unhinges people and gets them killing each other...the more ridiculous the reason the better they like it..the more savage they feel they can be and the more righteous they feel as they wash in the blood of their human sacrifices...Jesus was a HUMAN BEAN...he wasn`t an animal.


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