The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> .."the thing that unites them"

.."the thing that unites them"
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 14 2004, 22:49:13 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...laments an American commander, "is that they want us out".

Now whom do you suppose he`s refering to? Iraqis?----Muslims....Christian Assyrians...Kanna and the rest of the puppets? Is he refering to the Iraqis...the dominant majority who never bought the "we will kill you to save you" line being peddled by America and those who ARE united with America..our boys.

And they wonder if they`re going to be "given" anything in a democractic Iraq where majority rule will rule? Did they think this was to be another dictatorship only a Christian one?

The Americans are very upset that they can`t inspire Iraqis to go kill their own they`d live long after that...I swear the Americans are looking for Leveies...Christians stupid enough to do their killing for them.

It`s one thing to be a minister puppet and sit in an office and decide when the power gets turned on..and even for that they have to pay them`s an entirely different matter to be the ones to carry American weapons and go enforce American occupation laws...especially when these guys all have families.

Who dreamed up that scenario? Christians?


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