The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> the wages of sin or...

the wages of sin or...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 14 2004, 18:57:10 (CEST)
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...what you get when you ban and delete.

This is what comes of making a safe place where the boys can repeat their prooves and demandses without opposition..without being challenged or asked to define their terms better or make better sense...this is what happens when Syriac manuscripts teach "history"...this is what happens when a boxer refuses to spar with anyone and claims he`ll do really well when the big fight comes.

Preparing for an important debate you go up against a devil`s advocate, someone in your own camp who uses the arguments your opponent will probably test yourself in private where a failure won`t be costly but rather teach you where you need to do better and clear up your own points so you can make your case smoothly when the time comes. Being "right", or saying you are, won`t win you any debates or countries still have to be EFFECTIVE!

Like everything else in Assria, the boys do it ass backwards..instead of toughening up they get rid of anyone who confounds them or makes them work too hard to make their prooves..they practise by listening to each other patting each other on the back and calling each other heroes and experts simply because they like what they hear..they convince themselves they are right by hearing only themselves talk...dismissing the very points they should be preparing they don`t get creamed when the showdown comes....only they can`t even get into the ring...can`t even walk down the aisle...don`t even qualify as contenders or serious challengers because everyone can see the flab hanging out their ears from miles far as from Chicago to Simele.

It is ridiculous for the boys to demand that religion play no predomiannt part in Iraq..when their entire claim to being the only and true Assyrians is based on RELIGIOUS grounds. For them to deny the Muslim Iraqis the right to rule their own country according to majority rule democracy because CHRISTIANS are the self-designated "original owners" of the land because they say they are absurd to such a mind-boggling degree that it`s no wonder they`re brushed aside...and never more so than when they get their "hopes" up and actually start preparing to take over a triangle..and then talk about a militia...fer chrissakes.

So used are they to making these assinine claims unopposed that they gain a sort of fool`s confidence because no one has ever been allowed to poke a few, just a few, holes into their nonsense.

This entire claim to being Assyrians is based on nothing Assyrian at all..but merely on a language, of Jesus no less, that their church happens to use...that was spoken by EVEYBODY back then. It would be like the Christians who spoke Latin claiming Tuscany because they are the "original" Romans...who all spoke Latin too! The language of Caesar.

There isn`t a single Assyrian thing they do that they can point to. All they`ve done is call their Christian rituals "Assyrian"..their food, "Assyrian"..their music, "Assyrian"...and their Jew religion, "the same as Assyrian". This may please them in their forums and churches..but it`s nothing anyone else is going to take seriously.

To argue with an American senator that indigenous people MUST be given back their land...shows just how stupid religion can make you. In fact, that`s what it`s real purpose make people so fucking stupid they`ll believe five out of work fishermen who said they sawe a jew carpenter fly to heaven....HONESTLY!


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