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=> the world is round...we`re not

the world is round...we`re not
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 12:01:05 (CEST)
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The Grim outlook of Iraq

...things were real "hopeful" and peachy keen last year?

Posted By: The Lionheart <> (
Date: Tuesday, 22 June 2004, at 11:57 p.m.

The Grim Outlook of Iraq

The Coalition handover of the Iraqi Authority, in July 2004, to the upcoming Iraqi National Conference, towards selection of the Iraqi Interim National Assembly (INA), is a patchwork of poor workmanship. It resembles a patchy quilt of uneven texture, missing the reflection of the true colors of its original people – the Assyrian, Mandaean, Yezidi and Christian Arab.

...Native Americans can cry you a river. Original ownership means nothing anywhere...this was a tattered rag of a notion only you triangles believed in..where you got the impression that all the thieves you were courting respect original ownership is still a mystery to wanted thieves to care about stolen property?

The makeup is incongruent; its long-term success doubtful and durability, short-lived. The 99 selected individuals do not proportionally represent the public of the various segments of the people of Iraq. This selection is based on racial, religious and tribal lines – it represents majority rule and absence of minority rights. Iraq’s governing system is back to square one.

...we tried to tell you that no government imposed at the end of a gun stood a chance..if, however, they had given it to you Christians, you`d be THRILLED!

It is unfortunate that the future of INA will, in no time, fall into the hands of the Arab majority, interchangeably, between the Sunna second majority, and the overall majority of the Shai’ah.

...we in America also lament our government falling into the hands of extremists...even considering they stole the election. However...Iraqis are not Christians are not Israelis. A little reality therapy would do you good. That Iraq should "fall" into the hands of it citizens...shouldn`t be cause for grief...or wonder...that the majority of those people are Muslim, not Arab, also shouldn`t come as a surprise. The fact that they have two religious factions also shouldn`t stun you..."Assyrians" have ten thousand.

No doubt, the Kurds have placed themselves in an awkward position, due to their unpatriotic stance. that anything like you people who begged America to go to war? Did you think, by the way, that would make Christians in Iraq popular? Would it make them the majority? Just what did you expect to gain from a Christian led war against a Muslim country that has a tiny Christian minority in it?

Being self-centred and selfish, they have divorced the Assyrians,

...who isn`t self-centered and selfish? Did you think and do you still think it was an unselfish act of charity that brought American soldiers to Iraq in the first place?

with the full intention of courting the Arabs, embedding with either side (the Sunna and Shi'ah), to endear themselves to them, and seek favours. seems to me you Christians have been embedding yourselves with anyone who would attack Iraq for as long as I can too expected favors, that`s why you kept silent about all the Christians America killed.

...wouldn`t you like to have received some "favors" for getting into embed with Bush?

Next turn round, the breakdown of the system will lead to more than a split – it will lead to fragmentation of the country that will affect its neighbouring states, causing a prolonged turmoil and the possibility of a vicious conflict of interest and devastating war.

...what a "shock" that would be to Bush.

It seems the Arabs and Kurds don't know how to share or just don't want to share. Though for covert reasons, they occasionally display acts of generosity and a charity to delude the recipient and beholder as being just and equitable.

...with whom does America share? Does it share the wealth with its own citizens? Iraq was a country struggling to find its way after several shakey starts made all the shakier by covert and overt American the Brits and Turks before it. You need some stability and peace to find your way in the dark...that will not be allowed those people..not till the oil is gone.

It is sad that Iraq will again fall into the hands of conservative elements of the outdated old school of semi-theocratic rule and old-fashioned ideas.

...we`re beginning to get a lot of graduates of that same school here in America. It is sad indeed.

Western education, and for that matter Western civilization, does not seem to have impressed them in the least.

...why would it? Do you think Western public schools are something enviable? Pit an Iraqi high school graduate against a Yale graduate any time..take Bush for instance..and see who has the better education.

Nationalism and religious zealotry will increase. Hiding behind defiant and defamatory slogans, conservative elements will continue in their hostility of open defiance against the west.

...It seems you described America perfectly...which is the one with soldiers stationed in the East.

The oil producing developing countries, realizing that oil is power, which the West lacks, is gradually changing tactics. They are trying to have the upper hand in dictating their terms and type of governance system they aspire to.

..the West doesn`t lack oil..the West wants to use up the oil other people have first...that way the people will be stuck buying American oil when it`s the only oil left and its price can be spiked through the ceiling. Iran and Iraq hardly have any power over their was the meek defiance of the Shah and OPEC that led to this long nightmare of US Imperialsm...what power did Saddam have to sell oil...except under the table? What power did Iraq have to get back its frozen assets? You shouldn`t make things should just lie.

The change in their behavioral attitude, in decision-making and control of the
oil flow is an indication of their growing desire and tendency towards using the commodity as an effective tool in dictating their terms to the type of ruling system their governments want to have. mean America sets no prices for its commodities? You mean it uses no financial pressure anywhere in the world? It`s called`s called the freedom to run your country the way the people decide..if they get the chance. We in America didn`t want Bush as president, but he was appointed anyway...we get very little say so in how our economy is run, though there is a much better show put on..we do concerts real well.

Should the West not heed to their demands, they will disrupt and strangle the world economy and bring the West to its knees.

...they tried that once..and paid the price and still are. Besides which they have every right to decide how to use their resources..without having their government and then their children attacked.

It first started in ‘74 when the price doubled from seven to fourteen dollars. Oil and politics seem to go together. They can no longer be separated. In the end, the winners will be those that best serve the world community, in the interest and wellbeing of all i.e., the world economy, security and prosperity.

...every Tyrant would agree with you..that`s what leads to wars. Gas is costing much more..shirts cost much more...but you don`t kill people because you need a shirt and they charge more than you want to pay. If it`s a Free Market, then it`s a free market..only it isn`t..the rest of the world knows that well enough.

Assyrians have the right to their share of traditional rights, be they land rights, political or any other basic human rights, within Iraq or independently.

...Iraqis have a right not to be attacked on spurious gounds and fabricated lies...they have a right to have their borders respected, their assest unfrozen, their children alive..Iraq had all the food and medicine and health care and water it needed..those things were taken away from it by America...over oil. Since Iraqis can`t get their rights..why should "Assyrians"? Of course people have rights...but that doesn`t mean anyone is going to return Florida to the Seminole Native Americans who have a treaty from the US government promising to do just that. Have all the rights you want to...doesn`t mean they`ll be handed to you.

...when you people can`t grasp such a simple reality that plays out all around you..I mean the number of people disenfranchised, robbed, murdered, cheated and by the very same powers that you`re appealling to...while you still beg the thin air for YOUR rights...indicates that the rest of your analysis of world affairs and human psychology is also made of chewing gum.

The world body of nations, advocating human rights, may wish to take notice of this reality and practice what it preaches.

...that`s what the Iraqi people hoped would happen..they hoped that when the United Nations said 5000 children a month were dying due to Christian imposed Sanctions..someone advocating human rights would do something...they hoped when the United Nations weapons inspectors said there were no WMDs in Iraq, human rights advocates would have listenned and not gone to war anyway..and that when no such weapons were found and no link between Iraq and any terorist organization which was another reason given for the war..America would have apologized, paid a war indemnity as Iraq was forced to pay Kuwait...and leave. Instead they`ve remained and abused Iraqi civllians some more and after a year they can`t get the medicines for their dying children that were plentiful when that "madman" was in power.

Iraq joins you with its fervent prayers that the United States and United Nations, which it owns, would practice what they all preach. And, finally, it was the United Nations that began it s career by stealing Palestinian lands to hand over to the European Jews Christianity hadn`t been able to kill off completely...and they did this based on a religious extremist claim to the land that makes about as much sense as yours does to any part of Iraq.


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