The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> those silly boys

those silly boys
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 21:31:54 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I don`t get it...the boys cite Muslim atrocities collected in their Syriac manuscripts..a highly suspect source in the first place...that and Christian "authors" who are nothing more than apologists for Christianity`s several crimes, no better and a whole lot worse than any Muslim crimes...and they use that as proof that Muslims can`t possibly be Assyrians as well..because they persecuted a RELIGION.

Well, damn me...aren`t the boys eager to persecute right back? Don`they hate Muslims as much as Muslims hate them? Do they imagine that a Muslim`s hate PROVES that he can`t be Assyrian...and that their hatred for Muslims PROVES they are?

Is it unheard of for one people to be divided by a religion to the point of killing and abusing each other? That`s happened in FAMILIES often enough..what`s the big deal in this case?

Why couldn`t Assyrians, Christians too...tired of Christianity and its battling sects and the rapacious Romans to the north of them...convert to Islam? of COURSE their Christian brothers would hate them for it..ask Peter Jassim who changed his name when his sister married one..and we`re not talking about 1356 AD either.

And why wouldn`t Muslim Assyrians...back in power again, discriminate against their Christian brothers and treat them as inferior subjects? Don`t the boys today feel Mislims are stupid, filthy, sub-humans who should be wiped off the face of the earth, or at the least have their children starved to death? Can`t Muslim and Christian Assyrians hate each other?

And to think neither hates the other for Ashur...or for Nineveh and Babylon..but for a Jew religion from Israel. It`s madness institutionalized and sanctified too and we don`t want to play any longer.

We are one people divided by Jews..that`s all.


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