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=> tiglath and ben

tiglath and ben
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 25 2004, 14:59:39 (CEST)
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Hanna is remaining ominously silent. A few more attempts at "democracy" and "freedom" and guaranteeing litmus paper rights and protecting a minority and its viewpoint and all those things that sound so good on the tongue when you`re whinning and dining and Ben will be emailing Hanna in private that Tiglath is an enema of the Assyrians and they should not allow such wrong thinking to be displayed where their enemies can use the information against them..that`s code for "HELP"!!!. And Hanna will come on and say it is the policy of beth to only engage in truth and prooves and right-thinking and Tiglath will be banned by the majority and they`ll all feel good because that`s democracy...exactly what Christians can expect to happen to them in a Muslim majority...

here`s Ben and his travelling prooves:


You like Tiglath keep repeating the same lies which have been proven wrong over and over again. are Hanna and Peter who can`t even tell the truth about his last name. If one of us can be disposed of easily for being a can the rest of you...

Saddam's idea of being Assyrian was to claim that ancient Assyrians and Babylonians were Arabs and that (us who call ourselves Assyrians are not). You and Tiglath seem to be happy with that. seem to be happy with an illegal and unwarranted attack on Iraq you claimed would bring milk and honey when you knew it would bring death and misery...which is what you all want if you can`t have your way. That makes you what?

Saddam and his Baath party rewrote the school text book which claimed ancient Assyrians and Babylonians as Arabs. They did it to add further glory to the Arab culture.

...bullshit. These are the lies you spread like all the Christian women "kidnapped" when your church can``t bring itself to admit they married for love.

Saddam Hossain and his Baath party were Arabists who were willing to sacrifice everyone else for the sake of their Arab identity. One can not be Arab and Assyrian at the same time because the two are not the same.

..then how do you claim that Yahwe and Ashur are "almost the same thing"? You can`t be Assyrian and follow a Jew god weeping at the feet of a Jew quit making Jews of us all and we`ll quit making Arabs of us all...nothing was farther from Assyrian consciousness than the idea of a Messiah who would do for them what they couoldn`t do slander Assyrians every time you insist they ran in fear waiting on a single Jew to give them courage..if this is courgae you are dispalying then I rest my Assyrian case...and kick your Jew ass around the everyone else in the world has had no trouble doing.

If ancient Assyrians were Arabs and we do not consider ourselves Arabs then we become not Assyrains. If we consider ourselves Arabs were are no longer Assyrian. In the real world no one can claim more than one ethnic identity even if he comes from a mixed background. one considers himself an Arab..and no Assyrian considers himself a Jew either..Christianity is a Jew knock-off even they didn`t want. Where do you come off telling us that only Christians can be real Assyrians..are you crazy? Under Islan at least the Assyrians who converted found scope for our rich hertitage...whereas under Christianity all you did was take delight in the sacrifice our rich culture for a religion invented out of desperation by people who couldn`t build a toilet.

It would be the heights of idiocy for us to buy into Arabs or Kurds claiming that they are the descendant of the ancient Assyrians but insisting that these ancient people were Kurds or Arab . one does that. This is an argument you fabricate putting words into people`s mouhts so you can come back and "prove" them wrong. All anyone is saying is that we are one...and we are. If we want peace and stability to come ,eventually, we will have to think that way. The ancient Semites came from where, Turlock? They came from the deserts, the same deserts Hammurabi came from and everyone else. Assyria, BetNahrain was the hub...the radiating spokes went in all directins and all roads led to BetNahrain. The Roman Empire wasn`t just made of people born in Rome..honestly, you boys are challenged.

The Baath party did not want to count Assyrians as Assyrians in the census, it wanted to force Assyrians to sign ethnic correction papers to identify themselves as Arabs,

..that`s nothing different than every country has tried to do to forge a national this case made more immediate because they knew they were facing the combined onslaught of Western Christianity that wanted to pick them off piece by ethnic stupid piece. Your ethnicity should strengthen your boys keep insisting its your ethnicity that counts most...try that anywhere else in the world and see what you get.

it forbade the Assyrians from giving their children the Assyrian names.

...who forces them to name their children Jennifer and Allison and Scot and Peter in the West? Firas Jatou was thinking of becomming Frank Jones. awhile back....I hope my laughing in his face had something to do with his decision to keep his "dear" Assyrian name.

...There is no doubt political leaders want to forge a single identity and consciousness...but like eveything else, like forced democracy and freedom at the end of an American gun, it can`t be done. Had the MidEast not been the target of Western greed and ruthlessness since before the First World War they could have developed in peace...if we go by what America went through after ONE attack..we understand better what being the target of wars and the CIA and on top of that YOU ditzballs calling the ruling government uslurpers and telling rthem to get out of YOUR country...well...

The Iraqi Army destroyed the Assyrian villages in northern Iraq to scatter them outside their historical homeland. can`t teach sedition in the guise of eductaion...not even if you use the "Language of Jesus" the way, how come it isn`t the "Language of Ashur"?

When the Assyrian delegate in the none governmental meeting in the United Nations in 2002 said that today’s Assyrians are the indigenous people of Iraq the Iraqi delegate told the meeting that these people are not Assyrians.

...and he was absolutely correct to do so. Either all the people are descended from the people of BetNahrain and not JUST Assyrians..or none of you are. It is absurd to make a claim to an ethnicity on religious grounds..the identifying marker you use to claim who is and who is not Assyrian is a Christian FAITH that was NOT indigenous to the region....of course on that basis you cannot be the ONLY Assyrians...are you nuts? Jews and Egyptians spoke the "Language Of THAT Jew" as well..and speaking Latin did NOT make you a speaking English will not make you a citizen of Britain...certainly not an ORIGINAL people speak the "Language of THAT Jew" because it is the language of your for centuries the Irish spoke Latin in their mass..that did not make them Italians.

When the Assyrian language was allowed to be taught in the security zone the Iraqi educational minister of Saddam wrote a letter to the Kurds telling them that they are committing treason against Iraq by allowing the teaching of the Syriac Language. It is foolish from us to accept others as Assyrians whose intentions are to ethnic cleanse us. have to provide some evidence for these seem to have been everywhere in history and participated too. You boys are on a religious crusade of your own and we know that lying in the cause of a good thing to do, to you boys. YOU provide some prooves. But let`s say it`s true..the reason again makes this language of yours you don`t teach auto mechanics or teach "history" and it`s a dingbat version of history that comes down to one thing..."Sedition" calim the land belongs to you..a Christian minority...and Muslims know well enough what that can lead leads to collaboration for one thing and you`re now getting your just rewards for that and you`re claiming it`s because you are Christians and then, god love you, because you are Assyrians. You can`t even look that simple reality in the along.

Most of the Assyrians of Tikrit migrated to Mosul during the islamization period. At that time Tikrit and northern Iraq was under the Turkish and not Arab rule. The headquarters of the Maphrianate was first in Tikrit and remained there until 1089 AD. Subsequently, it was transferred to Mosul, and then back to Tikrit where it remained until 1152 then it was transferred to Mar Mattay Monastery, near Mosul. For sometime the Maphrianate was at Bartelleh near Mosul and then was brought back to Mosul. Badger reported that in the 18th century a coffin was discovered within the precincts of a mosque which previously had belonged to a church called “Beit oot-Tekreeti”. The coffin contained several Syriac books dating back to mid 13th century. One of the books dedicated to Mar Ignatius, Patriarch of Antioch and lord Mar Yohannan the Catholicos and Maphriano of Tekrit and Nineveh indicated that originally the edifice was known as “the Church of Cross” belonged to a large community of the Jacobites centered in Tekrit. (Badger pp.401-2)

..what in god`s name does that have to do with anything...and one more thing..just because the Romans shoved that bible up everyone`s ass and got them to rejoice...that doesn`t mean every Syriac manuscript you boys come with is going to be accepted as history. In fact when you see peopel treating that mishmash of blood and gore as a word of a understand more easily why you boys are so addled in the head. Word of god my ass.

The Arabs of Today regardless of who they may be are a mixture of many nationalities. Including Arabs, Persians, Assyrians, Turks, Mongols, the Tatars, war slaves brought to the region from many parts of the Middle East and Africa. In one war alone some 300,000 thousand female slaves were brought from Spain to Baghdad.

Smart people are careful not to be trapped and destroyed by their enemies but fools among us want to walk willingly into the trap intended for our ethnic cleansing.

...YOU are "smart people"? People who JUST realized what a Muslim majority would mean in a democractic Iraq? One made all that more hostile by the Christian community`s evident glee at this war? You are your own best enemies as you can see Aprim wailing for UNTITTIES at this "cruscial" stab each other in the back constantly because you are all insane sects fighting over a Jew...and you think you have OUTSIDE enemies? Where do you count for anything that people have to fear you? You`ve been making these silly claims for years...has anyone listenned? Does the Muslim world live in fear that finally one day someone WILL listen? And do WHAT? You really and truly, oh smart person, think the United States or United Nations are going to stir up a hornet`s nest by siezing lands from Muslims to give to you? And if they did, do you think you`d live in peace in such a ghetto? Are you MAD? Who has any reason to fear you? Why would anyone think of this passle of Christian boys as enemies??? You can`t be serious!

considering Saddam Hossain or other Arbs and Kurds as Assyrians is to buy into lies intended to destroy us. one is destroying destroyed yourselves when you grew up believing Christian propaganda..that the Assyrians willingly and joyously threw away all they`d developed to follow a Jew to crucifixtion..and now you come wailing that you`re getting JUST what Christ got..I don`t understand you smart people.

Why not accept the Persians and Turks, the Chinese, Mongols and every boy else as Assyrian while we are at it and make a mockery of what Assyrian really means and facilitate our own destruction.

..YOU have made all the mockery of an Assyrian Heritage anyone could. You do nothing Assyrian but plaster the name on your Jew churches. The people in that region are all descended from all the people of that can no more point to pure bloodlines than the Nazis could..yet they and you are killing thousands of people for these assinine "prooves".

You are a religious sect, nothing more, who`s trying to add some badly needed luster to your mundane existence by deciding all on your own that you are the descendants of Ashurbanipal..who spoke the LANGUAGE OF JESUS!



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