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=> tit for tat for asshole

tit for tat for asshole
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 20:16:07 (CEST)
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The American Muslim lawyer says every time there`s a beheading or a killing of American soldiers or a bomb goes off in Iraq, there`s a backlash against American Muslims and any Muslim LOOKING people here in America. At which Jassim feels great because he figures Americans are FINALLY wising up to what Islam did to his skin.

But then is it any wonder those bombs go off and the heads get chopped off when the Christians went there first to do these things first? Is starving children so much BETTER than beheading someone? Is it any wonder the Christians there are being persecuted more..if they are...why can`t Iraqis feel the same way Americans do? Are we an inferior People? Do WE think we are? Are you all so thrilled to be part of the Country Club be allowed in the back door if you bleach your souls enough that you turn on your own?

Every time a Christian from America kills an Assyrian, Muslim or Christians..there`s bound to be a surge of hatred against Christians...what`s the big surprise? What`s surprising though is that Americans can`t figure out something as simple as who started it. Who began this Christian Holy War against Islam? Who started the last one against Judaism? Who supports a military colony in the midst of Muslims paying out billions and billions and billions of our tax money so the colony can harrass and kill and humiliate Muslims? We do..the United States of America does. And do we really think those people fight back for NO REASON?

Now...Jassim isn`t that stupid..well, okay, it`s a matter of opinion..but he`s happy when Christians kill happy as a pimply ass like him on the other side is when a Muslim kills a Christian..we have our rabid fanatics and they have theirs and neither side wants this killing to stop. Where`s Jajo with his travel tips? Where`s the asshole Reverend Joseph when you need a quiet ice cream scoop in Baghdad? Weren`t these same jackasses encouraging Iraqi Christians to happy...and go demandses their rights and villages?

Do you suppose they really believe that? Believe that things were ever going to improve after a war brought on by Christians? You thunk so? I don`t. I think they want revenge..I think Dooz wouldn`t mind a whole lot of Christian daughters getting killed if he could get some Muslim girls killed too. I think this is all their National Agenda is..all the Fronts are Fronts...they are covers for revenge and murder. None of these jerks can rebuild Assyria...not a one of them can talk for ten minutes without tripping all over their lies and improbabilities...they know there`s no Triangle forthcoming anywhere and they always did.

To them the Iraqi Christian are bait...just bait. They`ll dangle them out there...they`ll toss blood and guts on the water to arouse passions...they`ll point arrows at where the Christians are trying to hide saying "OVER HERE". They want blood...the blood of Muslims but since they`re too Christian to do the killing, they need someone else to do it for them...and the best way they`ve found is to set their own people up...

When a Muslim in America is killed...they cheer...when a Muslim in Iraq is killed they cheer...and their counterparts do the same when Christians are you think either side is interested in anything constructive or life-affirming? And we dummies fall for it because they hide their blood soaked desires behind a god..the SAME fucking god..the one no one wanted except the miserable Hebrews who then killed their own people who wouldn`t accept THEIR bloody god.

The Romans weren`t stupid..they weren`t about to take Jesus seriously..instead they froced others to take him and THEM seriously. The Protestants merely fine tuned the killing machine and the Puritans refined it some more by channelling all their desires for fun and sex into killing. The boys claim their own brand of Christianity is REALLY what Christ had in mind..but that kind of idiot belief system will get you exactly what he got and the boys got. Anyone, ANYONE could take life and villages and candy away from these didn`t take mean old Islam to "rob" them..they were sacrificing like mad before Islam ever showed up....their whole focus on the grave and beyond...throwing away this life and all i`s treasures and pleasures.

Had the Arabs never come they would have killed each other...and before that anyone else...a Boy Scout Troop, could have taken their lands away and thrown them out. The religion is MEANT to make a wooley bottomed lamb out of you...even get you willing to see your children killed for HIM. This is mental illness and mass hysteria on a grand scale. At least the Romans USED it..our boys use themselves..they beguile themselves with a fairy tale, getting their families killed in the process and then act all surprised and outraged when they`re led right up to the same cross Jesus was..."Hey, wait a minute, how did THIS happen"!!!

Anyway...murder is the order of the day...god-murder...god-insanity. Sure thing..let`s have even MORE. Let`s just drop the fronts and bring out the stakes and the kindling and lets go all over that ground again..let`s commit every beastly abomination we can and lay it all at the feet of Jesus... it worked before.


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