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=> trouble in Iraq?

trouble in Iraq?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 14 2004, 0:41:15 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Condi Rice...what the fuck is a Condi Rice? Any they`re trying bravely to claim that they`ll never be chased out of Iraq while they`re running for the exists..they claim the people fighting the United States are traitors to Iraq while the United States and those helping it kill Iraqis are nationalis patriots...these people are so far out of it they have no idea of WHAT they`re`s just a script, the same one they used on TV for several years...and it never conforms to relity. The Iraqi people know damn well who the traitors are and they know that no one who has Iraq`s interests at heart would align him or herself with any part of the war on Iraq waged by matter WHAT Condi tells Ted Koppell.

It would seem Iraqi government officials who are increasingly being shot at and killed...who are just now being "warned" by Bush that this is no one thought of it would seem these officials are an endangered species of rats who could use a triangle or ten of their own...after all...they are being massacreed too!

anyway...hear her tell it. Hey Kanna..."duck and hide"?..."turn and run"? "cash and carry"?...which exit strategy is it going to be?

U.S. Warns of Increasing Threats in Iraq


By LEIGH STROPE, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Iraqi leaders will face increasing threats of violence as the June 30 transfer of political power nears, Bush administration officials said Sunday after two assassinations in Baghdad.

Iraq (news - web sites)'s interim president also said tearing down the infamous Abu Ghraib prison, as President Bush (news - web sites) has suggested, would be reactionary and a waste of money, and that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) would go on trial in the summer.

Insurgents and Saddam's loyalists are stepping up efforts ahead "to shake the will" of the new government, the U.S.-led coalition and the Iraqi people, Bush's national security adviser said.

"They're not going to succeed," Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) told CNN's "Late Edition."

The weekend assassinations "are very sad events when Iraqi patriots are gunned down by these traitors and by these terrorists," Rice said. "And indeed, there will continue to be violence, because these are people who have no future in a free Iraq."


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