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=> warming your butt with smoke

warming your butt with smoke
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 9 2004, 14:20:10 (CEST)
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It blows my mind how the boys can get so excited over nothing...and so turned off by substance. It must be a carry over from their main criteria for being Assyrian...besides being Christian...and that is you have to talkalot about it. Their final put-down of Muslim Assyrians is that although they are undoubtedly Assyrian, they don`t really qualify because they don`t SAY they are and talk a lot about it. I can see a Muslim Assyrian saying, "You know what, after years and years of listening to Christians talk a LOT...while watching you DO things like the Levies, betraying our trust when we took you in and now this calling down an American Crusade against the country with all the damage it did to our people and infrastructure, not to mention the half million murdered children..thousands of whom were also Christian...we Muslims have conlcuded that those who "talk a lot about being Assyrian" longer qualify and we won`t recognize them". Why not? Why can`t they have their criteria as well as the Christians have?

Anyway, now they`re all a-twitter because they are going to be officially recognized as "Chaldo-Assyrians"...or Chaldo-Asshos, for short. I suspect it means a lot to them becuase it means nothing...just a nice sounding word...or two. The fact that in reality it didn`t bring them any closer to each other but rather caused more fragmentation is interesting...since they all dwell someplace above earth anyway...names and recognition and flags and every symbollic gesture, like symbollic cannibalism that`s the bedrock of their new and improved reigion, counts for everything...since they don`t plan on doing anything about anything...but let`s hear them tell it...

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AINA: New Iraqi Census Officially Recognizes ChaldoAssyrians

Posted By: AINA <> (
Date: Friday, 9 July 2004, at 12:46 a.m.

With the handover of sovereignty by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) now complete, the new interim government in Iraq has begun to prepare the groundwork for nationwide elections now set for 2005.`s good to be consistant...having made "Assyrian" into words and symbols they naturally took to the word "sovereignty" like an old friend...that`s because it ISN`T`s merely a symbol with the same guns and people still there who also brought symbollic "freedom"..."liberation" and "democracy". But the word looks good so it`s a reality for them.

Reports have surfaced that in preparation for a nationwide census, a new draft census form including the various Iraqi constituent groups has been prepared. The draft survey form reportedly includes Arabs, Turkoman, Armenians, Kurds, and Assyrians. The inclusion of Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) marks a historic milestone in that under the former regime Assyrians were deliberately classified as Arabs, despite their protestations. As a direct result, past Iraqi censuses have resulted in Assyrian under representation.

...Now, unless Iraq invents a new form of that suits the matters not at all how many of them there are...since however many there are and however you count them, they don`t have the numbers to do much of anything..except maybe ruin it for everyone else if they don`t get their way. I suppose in their pin heads they think the day will come when enough of them will get off their Diasporas and return to Iraq thereby swelling Christian ranks...which is really all Assyrian or Chaldean or Assho-Chaldo means,..and they`ll be able to turn Iraq into a Christian country, change its name to AsshoChaldia and build more churches.

The other possibility is that they will officially place a Star of David on their doors for future reference...because anyone who thinks Iraqis are going to go on, or be allowed to go on and make nice and be at peace...well we`ll see.

The initial draft version of the census form caused some concern and confusion within the Assyrian community.

---weather reports cause confusion and concern with you boys and a book that doesn`t agree with you can cause constipation and bowel irregularity..

Reportedly, the new draft form originally included the term "Ashori" -- the Arabic version of Assyrian. For Iraqi Assyrians, the preferred term for official governmental business is "ChaldoAssyrian." This term was overwhelmingly adopted by Iraqi Assyrians during the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference in Baghdad in October of 2003. The Baghdad conference, sponsored by the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM) and the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), was unimaginable just a few months earlier under the past Baathist regime.

...being unimaginable to the Baathist`s in itself hardly qualifies as significant. I`m sure they didn`t imagine charging for garbage removal either..they couldn`t imagine their hospitals being trashed by Christian Sanctions with YOUR blesings either.

During a very critical period, the ChaldoAssyrian community of Iraq convened the meeting to formally adopt the official name to be included in any future Iraqi constitution as well as to press for recognition of an Assyrian self-administered area in the Nineveh Plain.

..they did no such thing..a passle of organizations each counting ten members at most got together and decided this...but as you boys have such rigid guidelines for who can be Assyrian at all, anyone not attending, not joining and not agreeing with you, even if they are Christians...doesn`t count any longer. It wasn`t the community at all and it wasn`t anybody in Iraq but priests and Reverends who also thought the Second Coming would take place in an ice cream parlour in Baghdad. It`s just the same old same old..the dumbest ones among us bother to go for the spotlight...

The adoption of ChaldoAssyrian is broadly seen as the best way to avoid external threats to exacerbate internal tensions over the name issue that might otherwise result in fragmentation of the third largest demographic group in Iraq.

...actually quite the opposite..depends on whom you talk to and since talk is what makes an fits perfectly. In case you haven`t noticed "fragmentation" is exactly what these dingbat policies no one agreed to have done to your community...and this is merely one more dividing line and those straddling the line believe the line is THE every sect and faction has always felt it had the truer "word". You are getting excited over nothing....but then what of any substance have you EVER had?

Formal complaints by various groups within the community to the census bureau have, according to insiders, led to the census bureau acknowledging that ChaldoAssyrian will indeed be the term utilized in the census form.

...words again. You can bet that you`re getting "your" way over this because it`s already seen to be meaningless.

Prior to the anticipated reversal, Assyrian leaders had feared that the draft version represented an affront to the Assyrian community's political expression as well as potential fragmentation of the community in the upcoming census.

...which is exactly what it`s been. This is merely more of your effort to make YOUR words into a new simply saying things like, "it was feared" supposed to make the people you talk down to regularly anyway believe that the "threat" is in the past and never case you haven`t noticed people are hopping mad over this silly issue as all you`ve done in the end is bring five dummies together while losing five others...but these are YOUR dummies so you`re as pleased as can be.

As one leader noted,

...why "leader"? If you`re going to claim he`s a LEADER...why not use his name so we can determine for ourselves if he is indeed a leader of anything and of what? Is this something so hot and volatile that the man is afraid to give his name? Is he a woman?

"there was concern that the resulting tension and confusion might lead to another undercounting of our people in Iraq." Another analyst added, "It remains critical at this time to not deviate from the agreed upon formula of the Baghdad conference in order to not hand our adversaries the victory of under representation of our people there once again."

...this is nothing..merely the same smoke you used to try to get people to UNTITTY over all the other breathless developments you reported before. You simply present the case as if by everyone agreeing to your line...they will get what you claim they deserve...merely trying to make other people feel guilty for not wanting to join you AND expressing their displeasure, so when all this leads nowhere you can come back and blame THEM for "losing Assyria". What does it matter what they call you..or if you have thirteen names under the umbrella "Christian"...which is all that really matters here..for Muslims know your game...know it well. These "ethnic" names you make such a fuss over fool no one...everybody knows you are Christians who`re haggling over Chaldo...or Assho...or Athori...or Oromyoyo and all the rest of them...when it`s ALL code for CHRISTIAN..but go ahead...make their day.

The inclusion of "Ashori" in any form has itself been seen as highly significant on another count as well. whom? An individual? A "leader"? An organization? You? Who saw it as so highly significant besides the people trying to pull this particular wool over everyone`s eyes?

During the previous regime, there was a deliberate distinction made in Arabic between "Ashoris" and "Athoris." As part of the Arabization campaign of the Baath regime, Ashori referred to ancient Assyrians while Athori referred to today's Assyrians as a Christian Arab religious minority. By making such a distinction, the government deemed today's Assyrians unrelated to the ancient Assyrians in order to deny Assyrians their legitimate ethnic, historical, cultural and indigenous status within Iraq.

..which will be denied to you the Muslim majority whatever name you call yourselves is irrelevant and they were perfectly right in making a distinction between you and the everyone else in the planet will come to see there is no relationship at time. And for you to come claiming the historical rights of people who weren`t Christians..while using as PROOF that you are the "same as they" BECAUSE you are so absurd..well, you`ll see. You have no legitimate rights to anything in you`ll also see...all you`re doing is trying to make your sect out to be the REAL Assyrians..not only as against any Muslim Assyrians who won`t "talk" or walk the way you say they should but also against all other Christians who won`t UNTITTY with you...this is all about fragmentation some more only along a new dividing line...and calling THAT a new unity. You are an amazing piece of work.

In the Assyrian language (Syriac), there is no distinction between the two terms and both are used interchangeably. Appropriately, the new proposed census form uses the term Ashori (or ChaldoAshori) acknowledging the historical continuity of the Assyrians of Iraq. doesn`t do that at merely gets you out of their hair because they have real problems to deal with. If you think a new NAME on a piece of paper is going to get you a Christlandia, you`re nuts..and since you ARE nuts, they wanted you to run along and play Assho-Chaldo games somewhere else.

One of the greatest challenges facing Assyrians in Iraq today remains a proper accounting of numbers. Community estimates outside Iraq have put the numbers at between 6-10%, while in Iraq Assyrians are given only 4% representation. No real hard facts are known since Assyrians have never been included in official Iraqi censuses, they were fragmented as separate religious minorities along Church denominations.

...what do you think this is? This is unity? You`ve got as many people hopping mad as opportunists who see contracts coming to them. You didn`t unite anyone divided them some more..only along a new fault line...and that crack in your community you see as a "whole".

One Assyrian observer bitterly noted "We constituted just over 10% of the casualties of the Iran-Iraq War. How is it, then, that we are 'allowed' to die for our country proportionately, but not allowed to be represented politically fairly to the same extent?" this the same observer who`s been making these other observations? Is he afraid to give out his name and address? You sure he wants his name down anywhere on a list of Christians? For later I mean.

Some of the responsibility of seeing that all Assyrians are counted in the upcoming census will fall on the shoulders of the new ChaldoAssyrian Minister of Immigration and Refugees, Ms. Pascale Warda Eshoo. Although Assyrians continue to protest only one ministerial position, the new ministerial level appointment of Ms. Eshoo is seen as highly significant because through that position she may be able to contend with the two most vexing issues for Assyrians in Iraq. First, she will be able to assist with displaced Assyrians within Iraq. Secondly, from the perspective of representation, she will be able to assist with properly registering Assyrians in the diaspora.

...that isn`t her job tittle at all. She`s in charge of those wishing to LEAVE. If it pleases you that as they drive to the border with their papers stamped, it says "Chalho-Assho on them...okay then, I guess that was a victory for you can now "add" that name.

...whatever term Muslims agree to...and they didn`t have to at all...they will never cut off a section of their country or give you any extra-legal privillges in the fact you can bet on it that if they agreed with your name games it was only because they know it`s meaningless...even if you don`t because words and names have been everything to you boys.

One analyst noted, many analysts do you have? Is an analyst the same as an "observer"? Is that the same as a you have leaders who don`t analyze or observe...or observers who don`t lead...or analyze? Where do you get these people from and what are their qualifications and why are you not giving their names?

"In the US alone, 80-90% of Iraqi-Americans are Assyrian. Even if , pending a fair census, we are only 1.5 million in Iraq, there are at least hundreds of thousands outside Iraq that need to be counted." Another observer explained the discrepancy of 6-10% of a nation's population contributing 80-90% of its diaspora by simply summarizing "disproportionate persecution has led to disproportionate emigration." also led to the disproportionate murder of a third as many children as the Nazis killed...a fact the entire world acknowledges and lays the blame for at America`s door, yet your "observers" never noticed it...your "analysts" never analized its implications and your "Leaders" never mentioned it...or Majdolins eyes. How observant can you people be?

Despite the climate of fear and intimidation that the horrendous security situation has engendered, there have been some recent hopeful signs for Assyrians.

..that situation was brought to Iraq by Americans with your blessings..and you want a reward?

The new Iraqi interim President recently acknowledged the importance of the Assyrian diaspora community. Speaking in Washington to an audience of Iraqi expatriates, Sheikh Ghazi al-Yawer stated that the Assyrians are the indigenous people of Iraq and are an important and integral part of government. his heart he was merely addmitting the obvious, that all Iraqis, regardless of religion, are the indigenous people of Iraq, Christians among them..besides these puppets are not known to Iraqis, they are not indigenous themselves most of them having lived abroad for years before getting on a military transport plane and flown there by America...whatever they say now will mean nothing in the future...give it time...all you`ve done is make it easier to find you..after making it easier to hate you..and you`re as pleased a punch too.

Their fair representation will be ensured in the new political makeup inside and outside of Iraq, where they represent a majority of the Iraqi Diaspora communities.

...they were always fairly represented as Iraqi citizens...Azziz made it to the top so did Donny George..Christians well as many others. But that isn`t what you want Christ to receive some Affirmative Action and he won`t..because under Christ`s banner this Crusade was brought to Iraq..and if you want to place a Star of David on every Christian there to make sure Muslims know just whom they have to thank...okay. You`ll be pleased to note then that you can now have Chaddho-Assho written on tombstones as well. Congratulations.


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