washing blood |
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- Tuesday, June 15 2004, 10:54:46 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Response To: 'Christ's Kingdom on Earth' (Robert) "False claims are many...All those who were involved and committed the massacres preceeding 1915 and the massacres that followed will never be able to wash off their hands of the blood of the innocent". ...you mean like Christians are washed in the blood of the lamb? What had 500,000 Assyrian children, many of them Christian, done to deserve death? How do the Christians who did this and those who asked for even more Sanctions wash the blood of these children from their hands? How do Christians wash the blood of all those Turks killed from their hands? Who dclared war on whom? Who attacked whom? You merely root for your bloody side against the other bloody side..like you were cheering on sport`s teams. Until you condemn it all, you`re just Blue murderers while the others are Red murderers...and each of you wants to win at murder. --------------------- |
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