way to go... |
Posted by
- Wednesday, June 23 2004, 20:19:22 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..whoever Qasrani is...he or she made a very sane and cogent point..naturally Peter Jassim answered...his answer can stand on itself, or its head... Re: Remembering the comparatively innocent old days... Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <keepa@ninevehsoft.com> (nat-200-233.arlut.utexas.edu) Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 11:35 a.m. In Response To: Remembering the comparatively innocent old days... (Qasrani) Please obey the forum rules and stick to Assyrian issues. ...whe you read Qasrani, see if what he or she says isn`t relevant to Assyrians..unless they all live in a Mental Hospital somewhere on Mars... The answer to your last question is: Assyrians are the only indigenous group of Iraq; they are also Christians, ...there were people before and people after...there are no indigenous people to that land left anywhere any longer..this is your silliness. If Assyrians are indeed left and if they are indigenous, then there are Muslim Assyrians as well...which you addmitted in your "top secret" letter meant for no one`s eyes. are ethnically distinct, and their language is neo-Syriac (modern Aramaic). ...they are no more ethnically distinct than the Muslims are and both of you are dominated by two religions that aren`t indigenous to Iraq...when it was Assyria...if you can pick your religions from where you want to..Israel in your case, Arabia in the case of Muslims..and adopt all the cultural baggage that goes with each...then what "ethnic" identity are you talking about? As such, they see themselves as the litmus test of any democracy that is established in Iraq, ...you can see yourselves any way you choose to...litmus paper or toilet paper...guess how the West sees you? which must guarantee, above and beyond reasonable expectations, their ethnic, religious and cultural rights. (from http://www.aina.org/releases/20040620014229.htm) ...no democracy in the world has ever done that...certainly not the Greeks who had the only true demcoracy and had slaves and gave no rights to women...down to and inclding America, which had slaves and "gave" no rights to women OR Blacks till they TOOK them..they didn`t ask anybody. ...this is what comes of using Hanna`s dictionary..you WANT democracy to mean women and children first...it doesn`t. The most common and main description of it is..."Majority Rule"...which is terrific because it beats minority or one man rule..but nowhere does a democracy guarantee the rights of or have any obligaton to protect any minorities..that again is up to the majority..if they want to they can, if they want to vote the death penalty for minorities, they can. Did you wish death and destruction on the people of Iraq based solely on the self-serving definitions in Hanna's dictionary? Did you think the Iraqis would do anything but laugh at you if you told them YOUR expectations of what a true democracy is..when America is so far from this perfcet definition you dreamed up? Or did you hope America would feel sorry enough for you..after you got enough Christians killed, that it would see the futility of leaving you in a Muslim Iraq..pissed to fury at you Christians for your continued betrayals..and give you that triangle you can get in way but through the murder of your "dear" people? ...like I said...toilet paper. A democracy protects its minorities. If the world is serious about democracy in Iraq, then the world myst protect the Assyrians. ...bullshit. Ask America how and when and why under what duress it "protected" its minorities? Blacks are in jail and executed far above their numbers..women still don`t get equal pay for equal work...these are things we work and strive for, they cannot be imposed on us or the Iraqis...but imagine a minority in the United States urging Libya to attack..and then demanding America guarantee its rights..including the right to ask Libya to come back whenever it feels slighted. You are a fool..go to. --------------------- |
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