what Assyrians do... |
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- Thursday, June 10 2004, 23:55:09 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-78.uninet-ide.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
This is a duplicate casting of the bust of Shumrium taken from the monument. There`s one at the Ashurbanipa Library...it`s too heavy for those lightweights to carry or it`d be in the basement too...this one Narsai donated to University of California at Stanislaus... In the time since this one piece I could have finished the Hammurabi and done several more..and put them in every major city...maybe one of Ahiqar...of Freydoun Atouraya...you name them..only the world will never know because Hanna and Jassim want an ASSYRIAN TRIANGLE they can adminsiter... --------------------- |
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