what I live for... |
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- Tuesday, June 22 2004, 17:03:38 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..priase. That`s why I focused my professional career...and my family`s well being and security on making Assyrian Art...for Assyrians. Wouldn`t anybody? I`ll tell you what...not a one of these heroes for Assyria would do the same..not a one of them..in fact if contracts to rebuild Iraq...and "donations" from jug-headed Christians to recapture Assyria over the dead bodies of a lot of innocent children of the "wrong" religion weren`t forthcoming...there wouldn`t be a single fucking hero out there. It was ZOWAA, the greatest collection of thugs and goons I`ve seen anywhere...who came to America to give us all a hint of what their "Assyria" would be like..what kind of "Democracy" they`d promote... who saw a painting done by an 18 year old Assyrian ...and saw purple...literally. These are the sorts of warriors and heroes Hanna says any one of whom is worth ten thousand anybody elses.....they looked at a painting of a face...saw that half of the face was painted purple...noticed that this half looked "sad"...and concluded that this painting was nothing more than an intentional attack by Kurds, Arabs; Hottentots and company intended to insult ZOWAA..for they`d decided purple was their official color...like any East L.A. gang of thugs and drug pushers designating THEIR color off limits to anyone else. They removed the painting...never explained to the artist or any one else..much as they disappear posts and one day will disappear people, if anyone is so stupid as to give them the power to play thugs for real. Any of us who think for ourselves..or think at all..any who will not take what they`re given verbatim and repeat it ad nauseum for the rest of their lives..any of us who find more glory in reviving the achievements, in whatever scale, of our blessed ancestors…more than we want to cry and whimper what was done to us because of Jesus...a Jew...any of us who recall the tolerance and generosity of our ancestors, any of us who don`t believe the bible`s assessment nor that of all of those with that same prejudice who dress it up as “scholarship” for what the Assyrians were…any of us who wish to heal the murderous rift between our people over these religious trifles the more advanced nations learned, once, to put behind them so they could encourage, reepect and draw on the resources of ALL their people..any of us who want to stop living in the past so much so that we crave another massacre just to prove a point and keep in shape...those of us who think of our children and wonder what on earth there is of an Assyrian Heritage to inspire them and give them hope and a willingness to help preserve it..any of us, finally, who dare paint with the color purple will be called enemies and traitors and have our best expressions of who we are and what we believe disappeared by out of work engineers and taxi driving thugs who have the gall to "represent" us...whether we will or no. And once again..and as always, it is the "good" Assyrians who stand back and do nothing..who don`t support the efforts of the few of us, who are so easily swayed by bombastic calls to old glory no one ever saw coming from a Christian Assyrian but the entire world recalls as the trademark and legacy of our people when we followed our own gods and beliefs...it is these good Assyrians who will shoot this heritagge down in the end. These thugs are nothing, nothing at all until we blow hot air into them..and when they`re puffed up to their fullest they go looking for artists and thinkers who do it "wrong"..and they kill THEM..for we`re the ones to expose them and we`re the ones who are the threat to them..we`re the ones who MIGHT get our young people looking to a different horizon..one that has no place in it for taxi drivers except to drive taxis and expects out of work engineers to get a job like everybody else. For those young people...a few of whom may wish to follow the path Rabel and I and a few...a very few, have dared and risked all to travel...this email I received is to give you hope that here and there, there are people who understand and will value your efforts....the letter is to all of us. Mr. Parhad, Thank you for using your talent, your gift, to remind the rest of us, of our origins and the state of being, the present and your perspective. It is delightful, artistic, and thought evoking, as well as provocative, is saying the least. I especially enjoyed the silver sculpture of Don Quixote in his battle. Assyrian culture is and has been rich due to individuals like yourself. And of course, the old Assyrian ladies in their Assyrian kitchens. Thank God for the both of you, the latter creates a safe haven with an open door to the world. And the former, a tour guide of the past and present. If I may ask, where the majority of your work is housed and displayed. I am from Chicago, and sir, let me apologize for the recent entanglement with your sculpture Shumirum. It has been long anticipated. It is unfortunate that politics play such a devastating hand against art, yet art always has, and always MUST prevail. Your hands wield into stone what the rest of us have a hard time expressing in words. Once again, Basima Raba Mr. Parhad. ___________ Name witheld because who needs to hear from a Syriac Manuscript gone mad. > --------------------- |
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