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=> what Iraqis resent...

what Iraqis resent...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 18:24:40 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: their breathless dismay and barely disguised joy..the boys are changing the headline to read "Two ASSYRIAN" Sisters etc...instead of the way the entire world, including Iraq...and me, view the incident, as reported..."Two IRAQI Sisters etc"

This is a significant difference and is at the heart of the new GET OUT!! Ministry the Christians were given. All Iraqis are descended from the Christian can prove exclusive anything....all the language argument does is PROOVES that the thing is religious, not ethnic..for Jews and Egyptians and Arameans and a whole lot of perople spoke "The language of Jesus" a whole lot of people spoke Latin without being Romans.

Using Jesus`s language to claim exclusive ETHNIC rights is absurd..which is the reason the Iraqis don`t consider the boys to be anything but what they screamingly prove they are...Christians..trying to use an imagined connection to the ancients, who were neither Christian nor Muslim, to make a land has never happened and it never will no matter how many Christians the boys manage to get killed...

Using the name "Assyrian" to describe any Iraqis...when that definition is exclusively a religious one and a Christian one at that is just code to Iraqis for "CHRISTIANS"...which they indeed are..but Iraqi Christians...NOT Assyrians.

Not unless we admit the obvious...that everyone changed over to something or other and everyone is as close to the ancients ethnically, if there is such a thing..that the HERITAGE belongs to them all...but not the language...which anyone can learn and anyone in America or Europe can FORGET! And forgetting or remembering a language does NOT make or unmake you as an ethnicity. It`s what you DO..and so far the Christian boys of the West have been DOING damage and murder in Iraq..including the deaths of these two IRAQI women...who would be alive today along with 500,000 Assyrian children, many of them Christian, if this war they prayed for had NOT BEEN WAGED and if the ongoing and most illegal and irresponsible occupation was not still in place a year later and if the boys would stop begging for more of the same.!

...This is how the last Simele came to our innocent people..because boys of that day were as stupid as they are today.


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