what a civilized question will get you... |
Posted by
- Wednesday, June 23 2004, 3:07:22 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..tis is their Assria. This is how they`ve driven away any number of people..thios going for your parents and trying to claim you have no mind of your own..because you ask them a question they can`t handle... ..here`s what truning Jew does to people who claim their fathers were once Assyrians... Funny how he calls the God, on whom's altar his righteous father served, by blasphemous titles - ridiculing his own father's faith and his own memory. Once you've sold out and ridiculed your own family, it's easy enough to invite foreigners like the murderous kurds in. This is the calibur of people in parhad's twisted little circle. Sick. ..at least I ain`t a cannibal...for fun OR profit. --------------------- |
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