what can you say? |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 26 2004, 20:50:59 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
they tell the lie over and over that Saddam has the biggest army in the universe...that he`s worse then Bush...that he`ll come get us, like the Vietnamese were going to storm the beaches of New Jersey( I kid you not) If we didn`t go there first and "stop them from attacking us"..they lied about WMDs...kept the UN from doing its job, they lied about nerve gas and poison and just plain gas..they lied about chemical labs on wheels...(remember?)...they lied about who was responsible for the 500,000 dead Assyrian children, many of them Christian..they lied and lied until the people finally figured where there are THAT many lies there should be a truth...so we went over there and then Americans got killed and then what could we do? Pull out and then all those five soldiers would have died IN VAIN??? So let`s stay longer and get some more killed..because eventuually the tide will turn and it won`t be in vain...meanwhile no one noticed that none of the excuses for the war held up...but by then Americans were dying and by god we can`t let them have died in vain..did I already say that? So they`ll let a lot more die until the parents of America finally have had enough and we`ll pull out, just as we did in Vietnam and a whole lot of fortunes will have made and this batch of soldiers will get shafted by their government as well because by then a whole new crop of bidnessmen have bought into politics and THEY want to cut the bottom line so THEY can get their wealth built up so some of it trickles like warm piss or hot blood down on the rest of us..and we let them and we deserve it. --------------------- |
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