what can you say??? |
Posted by
- Monday, June 14 2004, 0:09:44 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...thanks to the boys you can see how those triangular heads work...the following is from another rambling PROOVES Hannabanana and the boys are presenting to the Welfare Office that hands out countries... "Why is it that when he talks about Moslem groups he lists them by their ethnic identity, and when it comes to Assyrians, he lists them by their Christian religion (that is if he is talking about Assyrians)! ...He`s turned the sentence around depriving it of its clear meaning. Some person is talking about "Moslem groups"..that is groups of people who all happen to be Muslim...then Hannabanana puts the cart before the horse and wants to know why, when this same person talks about ASSYRIANS..not Christians but Assyrians...he "lists them by their Christian religion". Well, what would you expect him to call Christians but Christians? The assumption that they all make is that when you are talking about Christians in the Mideast, I guess, you`re really talking about an Assyrian ethnic group (?). And further...that when you are talking about Assyrians..you CAN NOT mean Muslims or anything else but Christians...cause those lying Syriac manuscripts said so...so THERE! If you want to be accurate...when you come to discuss Assyrians you would list them either by the religion of Ashur...which used to be automatic...OR you list them by any and all religions they changed to..including Islam. It`s Hannabanana and the boys themselves who insist ALL Assyrians have to be Christians..so the terms are interchangeable...when the Muslim fellow discusses "Assyrians" he might as well just say Christians...for they are all Christian...right? But what the boys want is for the rest of the world to agree with them that all Assyrians today have to be Christian...so after establishing that, they don`t want it mentioned any more too much...because it sounds so absurd....from then on they want to be called ONLY Assyrians and have the rest of the world know that can only mean Christians. A bit convoluted I`ll admit but then it`s their rat`s nest of a mind...isn`t my fault. --------------------- |
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