what`d I say? |
Posted by
- Friday, June 25 2004, 21:08:31 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Now Stiffo comes on to teach correst grammar. He too doesn`t dare address the issue...because all they are are words...but CORRECT words. You`d think a little real history...modern as well as ancient would figure into it at some point but it doesn`t. They were all raised on Syriac manuscripts they`re trying to force feed to us as they were shoved down their throats. Dear Tiglath, Bab-Ilu is singular and not plural in Assyrian/Babylonian Akkadian. It means "The Gate of God". Ilu is singular while Ile or Ili is plural. George ...Imagine if the world refused to discuss their claims...because of their grammar? They`d be crying all over the place some more. The point...knotheads...the POINT! --------------------- |
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