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=> what`d I say?

what`d I say?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 25 2004, 21:08:31 (CEST)
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Now Stiffo comes on to teach correst grammar. He too doesn`t dare address the issue...because all they are are words...but CORRECT words. You`d think a little real history...modern as well as ancient would figure into it at some point but it doesn`t. They were all raised on Syriac manuscripts they`re trying to force feed to us as they were shoved down their throats.

Dear Tiglath,

Bab-Ilu is singular and not plural in Assyrian/Babylonian Akkadian. It means "The Gate of God". Ilu is singular while Ile or Ili is plural.


...Imagine if the world refused to discuss their claims...because of their grammar? They`d be crying all over the place some more. The point...knotheads...the POINT!


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