when I show up... |
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- Saturday, June 26 2004, 3:05:56 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..where the boys are assembled they say..."what are you doing here, you hate Assyrians". And they have the nerve to say that after sending American soldiers over there to kill Iraqis and grow an extremist movement that`s going to seek revenge as they themselves wanted..only these people are in the country and OF the country and can bide their time and strike when it suits them..which means the remaining Christians are going to be jumpier than ever. They say it to me even though there`s an Assyrain Monument in San Francisco and another we`ll install over Nimrod`s dead body in Chicago...we can wait. On top of that there are all the other Assyrian sculptures, dragging Dr. Nazi to a debate...and the years of displaying Assyrian, not Christian, sculpture at conventions. They might grudgingly say, "Yeah, well you sculpt okay we guess..but you shoule stick to what you sort of know and let US define Assyria! The fact that you have ideas we don`t like makes your sculpture enemy sculpture..a plot to undo us and lose us our TITTIES"! Like without me and my dangerous ideas they were Tittying just fine. It`s an odd kind of "superior strength"...DOUBLE strenght Peter Jassim would call it because not only are the boys supposedly pure Assyrian but they`re pure Christian too" How`s that for getting it wrong twice? But they`re right in one way..I and Assyrians like me do indeed pose a threat to their welfare-state-mental-hopsital-invalid-ward "OH PITY ME" "Assyria"...which requires, not achievements in the Arts, Sciences, Letter, Humanities and all that insignificant stuff...but just dead Christians...and more dead Christians..so someone will feel sorry for them...won over by this tremendous achievment and knack they have of getting their people killed right from under them..while sitting safely in a cafe in America...GO JAJO! --------------------- |
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